Jolley family letters, 1866 and 1882-1886
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with them to Church or a party or picnic but i dont have no fellow now but you i mittened my fellow last spring i didnt suppose you would want such a girl as me for you don't know how mean i am i supposed you would want a lady for a wife not one that has been a farmer for 17 years and never worked in the house till this summer i had no thoughts of this last winter when i saw you when you were at our place that night i said to Mary Bently i am going to set my Cap for your brother and she said i will tell him what you said and i told her not to i dont know whether she did or not. but i was just a joking but i thought of it after and i was afraid she did and i didnt know what you would think of me a stranger but the next day my mother asked me which i was going to try to get you or dave and i told her i bet you had forgot more than dave ever knew i told her i could get dave without half trying but i did not think i would try to get such a fool as dave is
with them to Church or a party or picnic but i dont have no fellow now but you i mittened my fellow last spring i didnt suppose you would want such a girl as me for you don't know how mean i am i supposed you would want a lady for a wife not one that has been a farmer for 17 years and never worked in the house till this summer i had no thoughts of this last winter when i saw you when you were at our place that night i said to Mary Bently i am going to set my Cap for your brother and she said i will tell him what you said and i told her not to i dont know whether she did or not. but i was just a joking but i thought of it after and i was afraid she did and i didnt know what you would think of me a stranger but the next day my mother asked me which i was going to try to get you or dave and i told her i bet you had forgot more than dave ever knew i told her i could get dave without half trying but i did not think i would try to get such a fool as dave is
Pioneer Lives