Jolley family letters, 1866 and 1882-1886
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<across the top vertically> Mary E Bradley Fairbanks Iowa Buchanan Co Remember me and don't forget you have a friend in Bremer be a good fellow and do your work good and don't smoke nor chew tobacco thats a dear fellow forget me not forget me never till yonder sun shall set forever please write soon do you think you could put so many words in a letter as there is in this good By Sidney Jolley <Rest of letter written horizontally> it is only four months and that will soon be out you must not think i am trying to make fun of you for i am not i am just trying to plague you a little i have been plagueing a man pa has got to work for him we got to throwing potatoes and then [illegible?] and I throwed a Whole pail of swill it was pretty near all milk all over him and then this noon I got the worst of it we commenced to throw plums and he throwed one and hit me in the eye and my eye is swelled up so I cant open it I bet tomorrow it will be black i will be even with him before tomorrow night i like to have some fun but i dont believe in hurting folks our folks has not got through making hay they would get through this week if it did not rain but it rains every little while wheat was a pretty good crop this year but oats our oats was not very good we till have good corn if the frost will keep off my father has 75 acres of corn in and he has 40 hogs to feed it to well I guess I will have to stop my nonsense and help mother get supper if you cant read this fetch it to me and I will read it for you [up the right side] it aint wrote very good for it was wrote with one eye
Mary E Bradley Fairbanks Iowa Buchanan Co Remember me and don't forget you have a friend in Bremer be a good fellow and do your work good and don't smoke nor chew tobacco thats a dear fellow forget me not forget me never till yonder sun shall set forever please write soon do you think you could put so many words in a letter as there is in this good By Sidney Jolley
it is only four months and that will soon be out you must not think i am trying to make fun of you for i am not i am just trying to plague you a little i have been plagueing a man pa has got to work for him we got to throwing potatoes and then [illegible?] and I throwed a Whole pail of swill it was pretty near all milk all over him and then this noon I got the worst of it we commenced to throw plums and he throwed one and hit me in the eye and my eye is swelled up so I cant open it I bet tomorrow it will be black i will be even with him before tomorrow night i like to have some fun but i dont believe in hurting folks our folks has not got through making hay they would get through this week if it did not rain but it rains every little while wheat was a pretty good crop this year but oats our oats was not very good we till have good corn if the frost will keep off my father has 75 acres of corn in and he has 40 hogs to feed it to well I guess I will have to stop my nonsense and help mother get supper if you cant read this fetch it to me and I will read it for you [up the right side] it aint wrote very good for it was wrote with one eye
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