Jolley family letters, 1866 and 1882-1886
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July 20 1884 Dear Son your letter was reiceived but I could not Answer before now We are Buisy Haying we got up (14?) loads got 10 more ready to Draw We could get along nicely but your Mother is sick the havent done anny thing [Illegible - month?] the North door fell on one of her legs as her back stood towards the door her leg swell up big as 2 We could do nothing for it We got the doctor he say it is [Illegible - Criesipeless?] and [Illegible - Doopsy] he say it will be a long time before she can get round We cant get no girl anny price i offer $ [Illegible number - 5?] week We have to cook every thing wich keep us back in our work
July 20 1884 Dear Son your letter was reiceived but I could not Answer before now We are Buisy Haying we got up (14?) loads got 10 more ready to Draw We could get along nicely but your Mother is sick the havent done anny thing [Illegible - month?] the North door fell on one of her legs as her back stood towards the door her leg swell up big as 2 We could do nothing for it We got the doctor he say it is [Illegible - Criesipeless?] and [Illegible - Doopsy] he say it will be a long time before she can get round We cant get no girl anny price i offer $ [Illegible number - 5?] week We have to cook every thing wich keep us back in our work
Pioneer Lives