Jolley family letters, 1866 and 1882-1886
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Oto March 21, 1884 Dear Sister As i have not heard from you i thought i would write you a nother letter I am well and i hope this will find you the same i weight 142 pounds with my overcoat off. The weather hire is warm some people have commenced seeding ducks and geese have been up here for 2 weeks I like the country better all the time the man that rented my land for 1/3 the crop back out and i rented it for 60 dollars & took the mans note with a good signer payable the first of January with out intrest if paid when due if not 10 percent from date the 60 dollars will pay the intrest and taxes my profet
Oto March 21, 1884 Dear Sister As i have not heard from you i thought i would write you a nother letter I am well and i hope this will find you the same i weight 142 pounds with my overcoat off. The weather hire is warm some people have commenced seeding ducks and geese have been up here for 2 weeks I like the country better all the time the man that rented my land for 1/3 the crop back out and i rented it for 60 dollars & took the mans note with a good signer payable the first of January with out intrest if paid when due if not 10 percent from date the 60 dollars will pay the intrest and taxes my profet
Pioneer Lives