Mrs. Rowland receipt and household remedy book, Feb. 15, 1815
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of marl contained only 100 grains of calcareous earth, and that it would be his interest to pay seven times as much for a load of lime - as he must pay for a load of marl at the same instance. Every farmer should ascertain the nature of him lime before he uses it in agriculture as there are many extensive districts in England where the lime is contaminated by magnesium, which renders it injurious to the growth of vegetables. Acetous acid, or vinegar is principally obtained from saccharine liquors which have undergone the vinous fermentation. In making vinegar, the casks should be only half-filled; by this method a large surface of the liquor will be exposed to the atmosphere, from when the oxygen is to be derived to acidify it. All kinds of wine, and all sorts of malt or saccharic fermented liquor, are capable of yielding this acid. It is found that wine which contain most mucilage soonest becomes acid. on this account ising glass ought not to be added to wines, to fine them, till the moment of bottling them. Gunpowder is composed of 76 parts nitre, 15 there coal, and 9 sulphur. -
of marl contained only 100 grains of calcareous earth, and that it would be his interest to pay seven times as much for a load of lime - as he must pay for a load of marl at the same instance. Every farmer should ascertain the nature of him lime before he uses it in agriculture as there are many extensive districts in England where the lime is contaminated by magnesium, which renders it injurious to the growth of vegetables. Acetous acid, or vinegar is principally obtained from saccharine liquors which have undergone the vinous fermentation. In making vinegar, the casks should be only half-filled; by this method a large surface of the liquor will be exposed to the atmosphere, from when the oxygen is to be derived to acidify it. All kinds of wine, and all sorts of malt or saccharic fermented liquor, are capable of yielding this acid. It is found that wine which contain most mucilage soonest becomes acid. on this account ising glass ought not to be added to wines, to fine them, till the moment of bottling them. Gunpowder is composed of 76 parts nitre, 15 there coal, and 9 sulphur. -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks