English cookbook, 1800s
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A [relaxed?] sore throat A cure tincture sold by Edmonds a Dentist in [illegible] Street - a Tea Spoonful, in a wine [glass?] of warm water, used as a sample - 10s per pint. Upon being analyzed it was found to be a distillation from [illegible] of Spain, mixed with Brandy. [B.?] It is of no use for an 'inflamed' sore throat. When the stomach is affected by eating fruit [be?] stewed in a copper pan - one table spoonful of powdered charcoal is a complete anecdote, mixed with either Honey, Butter, or [illegible], taken immediately - within two hours administered an emetic or cathartic. By administering charcoal, a chemical decomposition takes blood in the stomach the oxygen unites, with the carbon; of the copper or antomic regains its metallic properties, in which state it is perfectly harmless. Sep.26.[1876?] [Diarrhan?].. Jan.6.[1820?]
A [relaxed?] sore throat A cure tincture sold by Edmonds a Dentist in [illegible] Street - a Tea Spoonful, in a wine [glass?] of warm water, used as a sample - 10s per pint. Upon being analyzed it was found to be a distillation from [illegible] of Spain, mixed with Brandy. [B.?] It is of no use for an 'inflamed' sore throat. When the stomach is affected by eating fruit [be?] stewed in a copper pan - one table spoonful of powdered charcoal is a complete anecdote, mixed with either Honey, Butter, or [illegible], taken immediately - within two hours administered an emetic or cathartic. By administering charcoal, a chemical decomposition takes blood in the stomach the oxygen unites, with the carbon; of the copper or antomic regains its metallic properties, in which state it is perfectly harmless. Sep.26.[1876?] [Diarrhan?].. Jan.6.[1820?]
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks