Miss Collins recipe collection manuscript, 19th century?
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Orange Pudding 4 Large oranges: seed. & peel them cut into small pieces: put into a pie dish, add a cup of sugar and let stand: 1 qt of Milk nearly boiling stir into it 2 tablespoons-full of cornflour mixed with a little water and the yolks of 3 eggs. when done let it cool & then mix it with the orange Beat the whites of the eggs with a little sugar sifted; spread it over the top & place for 1/4 of an hour in the oven to brown.
Orange Pudding 4 Large oranges: seed. & peel them cut into small pieces: put into a pie dish, add a cup of sugar and let stand: 1 qt of Milk nearly boiling stir into it 2 tablespoons-full of cornflour mixed with a little water and the yolks of 3 eggs. when done let it cool & then mix it with the orange Beat the whites of the eggs with a little sugar sifted; spread it over the top & place for 1/4 of an hour in the oven to brown.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks