Elizabeth Langlie [Langley] [Cookery Manuscript]
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40) to the top of the glasse. Wormood water of the greater [Compost?] Take of Roman & common wormood of each a pound Sage mint bawn of each 2 handfull galeanga Ginger aromataicale read Ale Compane roots 3 dragms, Liquorice an ounce, Raisons of the Sun 3 ounces, AnySeeds sweet fennell Seeds of each Six dragms, Cardanum [Cubebs?] of each one dragm, let the things be cut that are to be cut, & the things bruised that are to be bruised all of them infused in 24 pints of Spanish wine then Still them in a Alembick according to Art & Sweeten it with Sugar. Aqua Mirabilis Take 3 quarts of Sack; quarte of Juice of sallendine The juice of balme & spare mint of each half a pinte. Take Cardimums, Galeingall Cubebs of each 2 dragms bruised. Mellilot, burage, bugloss Cowlips, Rosemary & marigold Flowers of each 2 dragms, cloves mace nutmeggs, ginger & Cenamon of each 2 drams bruised A quart of the best aqua vitae, A pound & a half of the best white - Sugar Candy in powder. The Lady Alens plague water. Take balm minte, Angelica, agremony, [illegible],
40) to the top of the glasse. Wormood water of the greater [Compost?] Take of Roman & common wormood of each a pound Sage mint bawn of each 2 handfull galeanga Ginger aromataicale read Ale Compane roots 3 dragms, Liquorice an ounce, Raisons of the Sun 3 ounces, AnySeeds sweet fennell Seeds of each Six dragms, Cardanum [Cubebs?] of each one dragm, let the things be cut that are to be cut, & the things bruised that are to be bruised all of them infused in 24 pints of Spanish wine then Still them in a Alembick according to Art & Sweeten it with Sugar. Aqua Mirabilis Take 3 quarts of Sack; quarte of Juice of sallendine The juice of balme & spare mint of each half a pinte. Take Cardimums, Galeingall Cubebs of each 2 dragms bruised. Mellilot, burage, bugloss Cowlips, Rosemary & marigold Flowers of each 2 dragms, cloves mace nutmeggs, ginger & Cenamon of each 2 drams bruised A quart of the best aqua vitae, A pound & a half of the best white - Sugar Candy in powder. The Lady Alens plague water. Take balm minte, Angelica, agremony, [illegible],
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks