Elizabeth Langlie [Langley] [Cookery Manuscript]
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58) mushrooms, and Shrimps when you can have them reserve some of ye Liquor for ye Sauce but not Altogether So fat as that you used for Basting and when you have dished your picke take out the pudding, and thicken the Sawce with it. Add juice of orange and Lemmon make what Speed you can after & is taken[ op?], for ye hotter the former & better. To make a Spring pye Take Some Lamb Chickens, a puleet and Some Larks according to the biggness, Cut them in peeces & Season them with nutmegg, Cloves and mace, & pepper and Salt, lay those meats in ye pye, then put in bacon cut in Slices, sawsages oysters Sweetbreads ox pallats boyled tender and cut in Slices, put in Some Sweet butter and Soe close yr pye, prepare a [Cawdle?] against yr pye is baked or gravy or Strong broath and a Little peece of butter and fill up yr pye Marmalate of Oringes. Take yr oranges and Scrape them lett ym [i.e. them] lye in water a day, lett yr water boyle, then put in your oranges yr meat being taken out, boyle them very tender shifting them 3 or 4 times in fresh boyling water when they are boyled drye them in a Cloath and mince them
58) mushrooms, and Shrimps when you can have them reserve some of ye Liquor for ye Sauce but not Altogether So fat as that you used for Basting and when you have dished your picke take out the pudding, and thicken the Sawce with it. Add juice of orange and Lemmon make what Speed you can after & is taken[ op?], for ye hotter the former & better. To make a Spring pye Take Some Lamb Chickens, a puleet and Some Larks according to the biggness, Cut them in peeces & Season them with nutmegg, Cloves and mace, & pepper and Salt, lay those meats in ye pye, then put in bacon cut in Slices, sawsages oysters Sweetbreads ox pallats boyled tender and cut in Slices, put in Some Sweet butter and Soe close yr pye, prepare a [Cawdle?] against yr pye is baked or gravy or Strong broath and a Little peece of butter and fill up yr pye Marmalate of Oringes. Take yr oranges and Scrape them lett ym [i.e. them] lye in water a day, lett yr water boyle, then put in your oranges yr meat being taken out, boyle them very tender shifting them 3 or 4 times in fresh boyling water when they are boyled drye them in a Cloath and mince them
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks