Miscellaneous letters to Helen Fox, 1933-1945
1945-06-29 Jannette Aronson to Helen Fox Page 1
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Write me c/o Cpl A. D. Aronson P.O. Box 546 Mill Valley, Calif 29 June '45 Helen dear, Believe me, this is my first peaceful moment. Has taken me all of 72 hours since seeing Aaron to calm down and be a normal human being once again. Normal in this case, meaning to contact my old friends once again. You, my dear, are way up on top! So there. The boat ride on the Queen Mary was a "bit of alright"! 5 days - and there was Brooklyn sprawling before my very eyes. We all yelled. I don't know about the others but I had no voice left. Inasmuch as it was the first large troop ship to come in, they made quite a fuss. Blimps playing music from above, boats of all sizes tooting away, with ours answering in a terrific blast (they say it can be heard for 8 miles), a colored band on the dock to greet
Write me c/o Cpl A. D. Aronson P.O. Box 546 Mill Valley, Calif 29 June '45 Helen dear, Believe me, this is my first peaceful moment. Has taken me all of 72 hours since seeing Aaron to calm down and be a normal human being once again. Normal in this case, meaning to contact my old friends once again. You, my dear, are way up on top! So there. The boat ride on the Queen Mary was a "bit of alright"! 5 days - and there was Brooklyn sprawling before my very eyes. We all yelled. I don't know about the others but I had no voice left. Inasmuch as it was the first large troop ship to come in, they made quite a fuss. Blimps playing music from above, boats of all sizes tooting away, with ours answering in a terrific blast (they say it can be heard for 8 miles), a colored band on the dock to greet
World War II Diaries and Letters