Conger Reynolds correspondence, January-April 1916
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horses home Friday. Nig is as fat as ever. Bird looking fine. Nellie and the colt haven't improved any, but they will soon with feed and shelter. We have had letters and a card from the folks at Kenwood. They are all fine, including "Moonlight" who still comes and goes Julietta writes. Betty disappeared before we left. Ernest hasn't written us about the result of his trip to Mayo I do wish he would do some thing. Can't you use some argument to get him to? I think you were right in turning down Mr Ausleys proposition and he certainly was lovely to you about it With just oodles of love from Mother
horses home Friday. Nig is as fat as ever. Bird looking fine. Nellie and the colt haven't improved any, but they will soon with feed and shelter. We have had letters and a card from the folks at Kenwood. They are all fine, including "Moonlight" who still comes and goes Julietta writes. Betty disappeared before we left. Ernest hasn't written us about the result of his trip to Mayo I do wish he would do some thing. Can't you use some argument to get him to? I think you were right in turning down Mr Ausleys proposition and he certainly was lovely to you about it With just oodles of love from Mother
World War I Diaries and Letters