Charles Arad Gates letters, 1861-1863
1862-09-28 Charles A. Gates to Mr. Arad Gates Page 1
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Boliver Heights. Va. Sept 29th 1862 Dear Father As I have a little time I do not know how to ocupie it better than writeing to you. I am well and enjoy good health. I have received No letter from you since I left Washington. I have writen 2 but I think your letters have been delay some where but I shall write evry chance I get. I will comence and give you a history of what we have done since I joined the Co. I joined the Boys the 15th, 2 days after the Battel on Middletown Heights. I had only just got there when the rebs began to shell us from the Heights around Sharpsburg, and kept it up all day most but did but little damage but we had to lay pretty close to save our heads, our Battery lay behind a Battallion of Ny 20 lbs guns in a Hollow that took our place on the morning of the 16th the rebs shell would either go over us or strike on the rise of the Hill beyond, some times they would come pretty close once time the boys were setting down by the Battery wagon, and a shell came over and struck in about a foot of him and covered him with Dirt; another shell came an went right through an Ambulance. Doc Willams was sitting in the front end of it but It did not hurt him. Doc Willams is from Mexico perhaps you know him he is our doctor he was taken prisoner last spring when we went out to the Rhappohannock , but was released about 2 mo ago, We had one man Wounded the 16th Archy Campbell on the night of the 16th our corps crossed the Antieatam creek
Boliver Heights. Va. Sept 29th 1862 Dear Father As I have a little time I do not know how to ocupie it better than writeing to you. I am well and enjoy good health. I have received No letter from you since I left Washington. I have writen 2 but I think your letters have been delay some where but I shall write evry chance I get. I will comence and give you a history of what we have done since I joined the Co. I joined the Boys the 15th, 2 days after the Battel on Middletown Heights. I had only just got there when the rebs began to shell us from the Heights around Sharpsburg, and kept it up all day most but did but little damage but we had to lay pretty close to save our heads, our Battery lay behind a Battallion of Ny 20 lbs guns in a Hollow that took our place on the morning of the 16th the rebs shell would either go over us or strike on the rise of the Hill beyond, some times they would come pretty close once time the boys were setting down by the Battery wagon, and a shell came over and struck in about a foot of him and covered him with Dirt; another shell came an went right through an Ambulance. Doc Willams was sitting in the front end of it but It did not hurt him. Doc Willams is from Mexico perhaps you know him he is our doctor he was taken prisoner last spring when we went out to the Rhappohannock , but was released about 2 mo ago, We had one man Wounded the 16th Archy Campbell on the night of the 16th our corps crossed the Antieatam creek
Civil War Diaries and Letters