Conger Reynolds correspondence, February 1918
1918-02-02 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 4
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chintz curtains at the windows and easy chairs and writing tables and billiard tables in the main room. There are facilities for hot baths. The restaurant is excellent. Breakfast 27 cents American money, lunch the same, and dinner 36. One could get nothing so good for the same money at home, even in a club. My lunch yesterday was much more tasty and better served than any of the 40-cent lunches we used to have in the club at Fort Snelling. I was miserable all day for lack of sleep and warmth. The coal shortage is important enough over here that the club goes without heat except for the brief time stoves are lighted morning and evening. I felt so exhausted from travelling two days and nights with no comfortable sleep that I didn't want to bore you with the sort of letter I could write then. Instead I devoted myself to filling up on food and medicine and getting a hot bath
chintz curtains at the windows and easy chairs and writing tables and billiard tables in the main room. There are facilities for hot baths. The restaurant is excellent. Breakfast 27 cents American money, lunch the same, and dinner 36. One could get nothing so good for the same money at home, even in a club. My lunch yesterday was much more tasty and better served than any of the 40-cent lunches we used to have in the club at Fort Snelling. I was miserable all day for lack of sleep and warmth. The coal shortage is important enough over here that the club goes without heat except for the brief time stoves are lighted morning and evening. I felt so exhausted from travelling two days and nights with no comfortable sleep that I didn't want to bore you with the sort of letter I could write then. Instead I devoted myself to filling up on food and medicine and getting a hot bath
World War I Diaries and Letters