Conger Reynolds correspondence, February 1918
1918-02-20 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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PM 2/21/18 Darlin', - I feel so badly to think you've been so long with no mail, according to your card. But I must bear in mind that a long time has passed since you wrote that and your letters have probably reached you in great gobs. I am hiding in my room and writing by the light of a very poor light so that I shall not be discovered. I am certainly one weary human bean tonight. I began this morning at seven fifteen with
PM 2/21/18 Darlin', - I feel so badly to think you've been so long with no mail, according to your card. But I must bear in mind that a long time has passed since you wrote that and your letters have probably reached you in great gobs. I am hiding in my room and writing by the light of a very poor light so that I shall not be discovered. I am certainly one weary human bean tonight. I began this morning at seven fifteen with
World War I Diaries and Letters