Conger Reynolds correspondence, February 1918
1918-02-28 Emily Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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Fathers letter was number one, so this is number two Dexter Iowa, February, the last day 1918 My dear, dear Boy:- "Somewhere in France" We received your dear wonderful letters this morning. I cannot tell you how delighted we were to get them and to know you had landed somewhere. These letters are numbers Five and Six. Four will come later no doubt for, quoting from Five, "The last time I wrote I believe was from a rest [came] just after we arrived in France," we received the letters numbered one three both together on Saturday, Feb sixteen and number Two Sunday morning February 24th. So you can see they come in a bunch so to speak. The first letters we got were written, one "In a train, England January 29 post marked South ___ I couldn't make out the last part January 30. The other one was written January 25. No postmark. I wrote you a letter immediately on receiving your cable sent it to the first address you sent us. You may and may not get it. I cannot tell you how thankful we have been and so many have said to us weren't we glad we got the cable, on account of things which happened in the sub zone. Did I tell you Daphne sent us a telegram of your cable? She is such a wonderful girl
Fathers letter was number one, so this is number two Dexter Iowa, February, the last day 1918 My dear, dear Boy:- "Somewhere in France" We received your dear wonderful letters this morning. I cannot tell you how delighted we were to get them and to know you had landed somewhere. These letters are numbers Five and Six. Four will come later no doubt for, quoting from Five, "The last time I wrote I believe was from a rest [came] just after we arrived in France," we received the letters numbered one three both together on Saturday, Feb sixteen and number Two Sunday morning February 24th. So you can see they come in a bunch so to speak. The first letters we got were written, one "In a train, England January 29 post marked South ___ I couldn't make out the last part January 30. The other one was written January 25. No postmark. I wrote you a letter immediately on receiving your cable sent it to the first address you sent us. You may and may not get it. I cannot tell you how thankful we have been and so many have said to us weren't we glad we got the cable, on account of things which happened in the sub zone. Did I tell you Daphne sent us a telegram of your cable? She is such a wonderful girl
World War I Diaries and Letters