Conger Reynolds correspondence, April 1918
1918-04-21 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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Sunday - Apr. 21st (?) [1918?] My dearest Husband,- This will of necessity be poorly written because I am flat on my back. I want you to worry a little bit before I tell you I'm not really ill, because I like to worry you. When you come back to me, I'll worry you more ways than one. Last night I thought I was going to have a fit, sure enough I did. I had a sweet little fever, and so Mama had a "Doc" come out. He knew I had the grippe and I knew I didn't
Sunday - Apr. 21st (?) [1918?] My dearest Husband,- This will of necessity be poorly written because I am flat on my back. I want you to worry a little bit before I tell you I'm not really ill, because I like to worry you. When you come back to me, I'll worry you more ways than one. Last night I thought I was going to have a fit, sure enough I did. I had a sweet little fever, and so Mama had a "Doc" come out. He knew I had the grippe and I knew I didn't
World War I Diaries and Letters