Conger Reynolds correspondence, April 1918
1918-04-23 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 6
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Cobbie - and with about as much reason. Nevertheless, I wish you had walked in. Then there would have been some sense to the party, something make it worth while. But, never mind, we'll have several parties some day. The candy, although carefully issued, is nearly gone. Gosh! how yum-yum it has bean! Going in Bett now honey girl. I love you "bushels and bushels and a thimble full" as my mother taught me to express it. I wonder if she realized I should ever love anyone but her so much. Now that she does, she is happy any how because she too loves you much. Love and kisses to the little mother. Devotedly, Your Hubby Conger Reynolds 2nd LT AGD
Cobbie - and with about as much reason. Nevertheless, I wish you had walked in. Then there would have been some sense to the party, something make it worth while. But, never mind, we'll have several parties some day. The candy, although carefully issued, is nearly gone. Gosh! how yum-yum it has bean! Going in Bett now honey girl. I love you "bushels and bushels and a thimble full" as my mother taught me to express it. I wonder if she realized I should ever love anyone but her so much. Now that she does, she is happy any how because she too loves you much. Love and kisses to the little mother. Devotedly, Your Hubby Conger Reynolds 2nd LT AGD
World War I Diaries and Letters