Conger Reynolds correspondence, April 1918
1918-04-26 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 4
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sick. I wasn't. My longing is not so much for home as it is for my chummy friend wife. If she were with me I think I should be well enough content with my present situation. So I cheered him up - at least I tried to. Here are two yarns Captain Adams brought back from the front today: A second lieutenant was coming down the village street whistling merrily about the sunshine. A colonel standing in a doorway stopped him and perpetrated this - "Say, just because you're between gold bars do you think you're a canary?" In another place a New York correspondent was climbing into his car. A private standing nearby, who had found out who the correspondent was called out, "Give my regards to Old New York." "Where are you from," said the
sick. I wasn't. My longing is not so much for home as it is for my chummy friend wife. If she were with me I think I should be well enough content with my present situation. So I cheered him up - at least I tried to. Here are two yarns Captain Adams brought back from the front today: A second lieutenant was coming down the village street whistling merrily about the sunshine. A colonel standing in a doorway stopped him and perpetrated this - "Say, just because you're between gold bars do you think you're a canary?" In another place a New York correspondent was climbing into his car. A private standing nearby, who had found out who the correspondent was called out, "Give my regards to Old New York." "Where are you from," said the
World War I Diaries and Letters