Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-02 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 9
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if you can pretend you don't care, I can, too. Oh, such a lot of raving! I wish you were with me in this big chair. I'd love to tease you, myse'f. I'm simply boisting to tickle you. It was such fun to find that I could. And -- I want your shoulder tonight. I know when I have it again I won't be able to sleep, just for the joy of having it under my head, and feeling your arms around me. I love you -- love you -- so much! My love is smouldering away -- just like this bed of coals -- only it will last as long as I do. Billion kisses -- Daphne.
if you can pretend you don't care, I can, too. Oh, such a lot of raving! I wish you were with me in this big chair. I'd love to tease you, myse'f. I'm simply boisting to tickle you. It was such fun to find that I could. And -- I want your shoulder tonight. I know when I have it again I won't be able to sleep, just for the joy of having it under my head, and feeling your arms around me. I love you -- love you -- so much! My love is smouldering away -- just like this bed of coals -- only it will last as long as I do. Billion kisses -- Daphne.
World War I Diaries and Letters