Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-10 Emily Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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Thursday Oct 10 - 18 Dear Conger, I'm writing for your "wif" she being in bed and has a cold not bad just a wee one but we feared it might be flu,n,z,y. she has, so we decided that I'd write you for fear of infection. She is mighty hard to manage and it takes both Ernest and myself to keep her straight I tell you she is desperately in love with that brother of yours, and I am too for that matter. He is one old Prince I love all of the clan.
Thursday Oct 10 - 18 Dear Conger, I'm writing for your "wif" she being in bed and has a cold not bad just a wee one but we feared it might be flu,n,z,y. she has, so we decided that I'd write you for fear of infection. She is mighty hard to manage and it takes both Ernest and myself to keep her straight I tell you she is desperately in love with that brother of yours, and I am too for that matter. He is one old Prince I love all of the clan.
World War I Diaries and Letters