Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-16 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 4
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was disappointed at first. I kissed you with love such as I had never known before leaping to my lips. Your lips were receptive but not responsive. Then they did kiss, but very shyly and delicately. It was not until we were married that I knew the full wonder of your kiss -- or for that matter, until I learned how to kiss. I swear I never kissed anyone as I kissed you, sweetestheart; I never knew before that I could kiss so. Kisses came into being under the pressure of burning love such as I had never known could be and could thrill as ours did. No lips had ever thrilled me as yours did; no kiss had ever even approached in the slightest the power of putting my whole soul and being in a state of superb ecstasy as did yours.
was disappointed at first. I kissed you with love such as I had never known before leaping to my lips. Your lips were receptive but not responsive. Then they did kiss, but very shyly and delicately. It was not until we were married that I knew the full wonder of your kiss -- or for that matter, until I learned how to kiss. I swear I never kissed anyone as I kissed you, sweetestheart; I never knew before that I could kiss so. Kisses came into being under the pressure of burning love such as I had never known could be and could thrill as ours did. No lips had ever thrilled me as yours did; no kiss had ever even approached in the slightest the power of putting my whole soul and being in a state of superb ecstasy as did yours.
World War I Diaries and Letters