Alchemist, v. 2, issue 1, Autumn 1946
Page 11
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LETS NOT GET GAY by FORREST J. ACKERMAN [[cartoon text'' Fantasy? Green Mouse [[end cartoon text]] ONCE UPON A TIME, before bibliophiles of the ilk of Laney began to read--really to read--their bookollections, fans were safe in amassing mountains of books and fondly believing they were the best of fantasy. But the cream has curdled. Ah, blest were in our days of unenlightened ignorance, when we could blissfully gaze at a copy of "Pandora's Box", think of the great lunar adventure "Drowsy" by the same author (which we have never read either) and Mitchell's well known futuristic burlesque, "The Last American" (which we have read--in Esperanto)...wait a minute, we're getting lost in the complexity of this sentence. What we (me; I, that is) started out to say was that the day of faith in fantasy-sounding titles is rapidly being destroyed by the Gay Deceiver boys, who rob us of one of life's greatest joys by de-
LETS NOT GET GAY by FORREST J. ACKERMAN [[cartoon text'' Fantasy? Green Mouse [[end cartoon text]] ONCE UPON A TIME, before bibliophiles of the ilk of Laney began to read--really to read--their bookollections, fans were safe in amassing mountains of books and fondly believing they were the best of fantasy. But the cream has curdled. Ah, blest were in our days of unenlightened ignorance, when we could blissfully gaze at a copy of "Pandora's Box", think of the great lunar adventure "Drowsy" by the same author (which we have never read either) and Mitchell's well known futuristic burlesque, "The Last American" (which we have read--in Esperanto)...wait a minute, we're getting lost in the complexity of this sentence. What we (me; I, that is) started out to say was that the day of faith in fantasy-sounding titles is rapidly being destroyed by the Gay Deceiver boys, who rob us of one of life's greatest joys by de-
Hevelin Fanzines