The Alchemist, v. 1, issue 5, February 1941
Page 43
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The Retort Bubbles 43 OK, but if I had you here I'd beat your brains out anyway. There's nothing like a little exercise to keep a guy feeling fit. In tune with the times, too. . . And don't give me this alternating crap. I'm in every ish or not at all. I'd rather have 1 page monthly than ten pages bi-monthly. Stoopid, ((very)) I suppose, but that's the way I feel about it. ((Allright, Art, if that's the way I feel about it, we'll give youse four or more each issue. You also hogged the major part of the Alchemist Denventioneer)) C U N Denver at the Mylhicon. ((And now I don't think a bit from the luminary of the Sun Spots Mob, Gerry de la Ree would be would)) The Al arrived yesterday, and I'd like to compliment you on the fine job done on this issue. I missed readers letters, and would like to see either this or a fan magazine review, if you can spare the space. ((Rajocz, the Sage from Scranton, speaks -- Harken)) I received the latest Al last Thrusday and was glad to hear that you intend to issue it monthly, but I don't think you can do it. The Hunt insert drawing was superb. I envy the person who purchases that one. The second best picture was the one for Lowndes' "Dead End". I cannot understand why the editors of the pros do not give some of the fan artist a chance. Some fans are better than some pros. All other pixes are good. In "Dead End" Lowndes has chosen a subject of interest to me, I like it though as a rule I do not care for Lowndes. One of the best articles in the issue, if not the best was Fischer's on Astounding. Collector's Cr. and Realm of Fantasy Lit tie for second. I missed Art's Random Ramblings this issue. ((See, Art, you have one follower!!)) Curiosity prompts me to ask who wrote that poem on the back cover. It was OK.
The Retort Bubbles 43 OK, but if I had you here I'd beat your brains out anyway. There's nothing like a little exercise to keep a guy feeling fit. In tune with the times, too. . . And don't give me this alternating crap. I'm in every ish or not at all. I'd rather have 1 page monthly than ten pages bi-monthly. Stoopid, ((very)) I suppose, but that's the way I feel about it. ((Allright, Art, if that's the way I feel about it, we'll give youse four or more each issue. You also hogged the major part of the Alchemist Denventioneer)) C U N Denver at the Mylhicon. ((And now I don't think a bit from the luminary of the Sun Spots Mob, Gerry de la Ree would be would)) The Al arrived yesterday, and I'd like to compliment you on the fine job done on this issue. I missed readers letters, and would like to see either this or a fan magazine review, if you can spare the space. ((Rajocz, the Sage from Scranton, speaks -- Harken)) I received the latest Al last Thrusday and was glad to hear that you intend to issue it monthly, but I don't think you can do it. The Hunt insert drawing was superb. I envy the person who purchases that one. The second best picture was the one for Lowndes' "Dead End". I cannot understand why the editors of the pros do not give some of the fan artist a chance. Some fans are better than some pros. All other pixes are good. In "Dead End" Lowndes has chosen a subject of interest to me, I like it though as a rule I do not care for Lowndes. One of the best articles in the issue, if not the best was Fischer's on Astounding. Collector's Cr. and Realm of Fantasy Lit tie for second. I missed Art's Random Ramblings this issue. ((See, Art, you have one follower!!)) Curiosity prompts me to ask who wrote that poem on the back cover. It was OK.
Hevelin Fanzines