Fantasite, v. 2, issue 3, whole no. 9, August-September 1942
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THE FANTASITE... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 2, Number 3 Whole No. 9 Ausgust-September 1942 --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS FICTION The Ice-King.......Samuel D. Russell....(Il. by Bronson)....4 When Sleeping Beauty Spoke...Donn Brazier...............26 ARTICLES Alas, Poor Yorick!.......D.W. Boggs......(Cut by Dollens)...7 The Golden Dawn...Larry B.Farsaci..(Cut by Dollens)...14 COLUMNS Squanchfoot's Diary.......................Squanchfoot............23 Saurkraut und Gefiltefisch......Carlton J. Fassbeinder....30 DEPARTMENTS Recommended Reading.................Bob Tucker.................(Cut by Gergen)................10 Dynamic Dream...............Phil Lehr..............................12 Fanta-Notes...............The Editors................................13 S-F- Crossword Puzzle.....John L. Chapman MFS Notes.......................Samuel D. Russell..............27 Among the Hams and Pros..............Saari-Brackney-Bronson..........29 Fanta-scripts...............The Readers..............................31 Advertisements.......................................................22, 36 Cover.....................................................Morris S. Dollens Contents Page Heading...........................John L. Gergen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITOR: Philip R. Bronson, 2405 First Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Samuel D. Russell, 3236 Clinton Avenue, Minneapolist Minn. STAFF ARTISTS: Morris Scott Dollens, John L. Gergen, and Sherman W. Schultz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fantasite is published bimonthly at 2405 First Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. and is the Official organ of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society. Subscription rates; 10¢ per single copy, 3 issues for 25¢, 6 issues for 50¢. Ad rates: one-fourth page 30¢, half-page 50¢, full pave $1.00. No stamps please. Trade ads or subscriptions with other fan publications welcome, as well as any contributions for publication. Opinions of writers in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editors unless so stated. Back issues for sale: No. 5, 10¢, No 7 (Anniversary Issue), 20¢; No. 8, 10¢. The Fantasite is an MSF Publication. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
THE FANTASITE... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 2, Number 3 Whole No. 9 Ausgust-September 1942 --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS FICTION The Ice-King.......Samuel D. Russell....(Il. by Bronson)....4 When Sleeping Beauty Spoke...Donn Brazier...............26 ARTICLES Alas, Poor Yorick!.......D.W. Boggs......(Cut by Dollens)...7 The Golden Dawn...Larry B.Farsaci..(Cut by Dollens)...14 COLUMNS Squanchfoot's Diary.......................Squanchfoot............23 Saurkraut und Gefiltefisch......Carlton J. Fassbeinder....30 DEPARTMENTS Recommended Reading.................Bob Tucker.................(Cut by Gergen)................10 Dynamic Dream...............Phil Lehr..............................12 Fanta-Notes...............The Editors................................13 S-F- Crossword Puzzle.....John L. Chapman MFS Notes.......................Samuel D. Russell..............27 Among the Hams and Pros..............Saari-Brackney-Bronson..........29 Fanta-scripts...............The Readers..............................31 Advertisements.......................................................22, 36 Cover.....................................................Morris S. Dollens Contents Page Heading...........................John L. Gergen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITOR: Philip R. Bronson, 2405 First Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Samuel D. Russell, 3236 Clinton Avenue, Minneapolist Minn. STAFF ARTISTS: Morris Scott Dollens, John L. Gergen, and Sherman W. Schultz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fantasite is published bimonthly at 2405 First Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. and is the Official organ of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society. Subscription rates; 10¢ per single copy, 3 issues for 25¢, 6 issues for 50¢. Ad rates: one-fourth page 30¢, half-page 50¢, full pave $1.00. No stamps please. Trade ads or subscriptions with other fan publications welcome, as well as any contributions for publication. Opinions of writers in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editors unless so stated. Back issues for sale: No. 5, 10¢, No 7 (Anniversary Issue), 20¢; No. 8, 10¢. The Fantasite is an MSF Publication. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hevelin Fanzines