Mary Henrietta Peters diary, 1891
1891-04-06 -- 1891-04-09
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mon April 6 A nice warm day I washed mother came home from Linas Alla John J Wallace & I went to Ogles this Eve a while Tues April 7 A lovely warm sunshiny day Linie Bill & children was here to day Maggie went home she & Elmer are both sick mother went home with Linie to help with the children they was so sick I made 2 plumb pies for dinner Wed April 8 A windy day but not very cold the sun shone bright most all day it clouded up this Eve & is raining a little this Eve Jim Clements was here to day Bill has been making frames for the window for screens Th April 9 A rainy day Lint was going home to day but it rained so she couldent Mr Ogle came home from Ohio to day
mon April 6 A nice warm day I washed mother came home from Linas Alla John J Wallace & I went to Ogles this Eve a while Tues April 7 A lovely warm sunshiny day Linie Bill & children was here to day Maggie went home she & Elmer are both sick mother went home with Linie to help with the children they was so sick I made 2 plumb pies for dinner Wed April 8 A windy day but not very cold the sun shone bright most all day it clouded up this Eve & is raining a little this Eve Jim Clements was here to day Bill has been making frames for the window for screens Th April 9 A rainy day Lint was going home to day but it rained so she couldent Mr Ogle came home from Ohio to day
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries