Vampire, whole no. 8, December 1946
Page 26
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Pickle in the middle and some mustard on top-- [title in large, round letters] AN OUNCE OF GARLIC [text in two columns] [first column] FRANK WILIMCZYK Chicopee, Mass. [cartoon of two drunk men with a mug of beer and bottle; text beside them reads "Contributing editors at work??"] [title underlined] Vampire has the distinction of being the first subscription fanzine to arrive in the family mail-box since I've come home --- and rather a pleasant welcome back to the fan world it is. If I were even slightly acquainted with the present "average" which prevails among fanzines I would probably say that [title underlined] Vamp is far above average. In fact, I might as well say it anyway. Fandom can't have changed that much in less than 2 years. I'm rather curious about the heading on the contents page.. just what are the functions of your contributing editors? -- Are they actually relegated certain duties or responsibilities, or is it a sort of honorary position for drinking companions? Or does it mean that no matter what these 4 fellows contribute, it'll be printed? Or what? (('Tis really just a little special acknowledgement for guys who've contributed material or aid regularly.)) I was rather interested in de la Ree's article, because I disagree so violently with Gerry's interpretation of classical music. I don't remember reading anywhere any comment on the fantasy music question by any of the fan musicians -- though I'm willing to be that very few of them will commit themselves by saying that there definitely is a type of music which could be called fantasy. And, of course, there is the statement ".... the fact still remains that a good 80% of fandom.." How's that again, Gerry? -- Of [second column] course, if this figure is based on the results of one of the polls that you had begun to conduct in the good ol' days, I have no basis for objection. However, my reluctance to recognize "fantasy music" may be due to a sluggish imagination. Perhaps music does conjure
Pickle in the middle and some mustard on top-- [title in large, round letters] AN OUNCE OF GARLIC [text in two columns] [first column] FRANK WILIMCZYK Chicopee, Mass. [cartoon of two drunk men with a mug of beer and bottle; text beside them reads "Contributing editors at work??"] [title underlined] Vampire has the distinction of being the first subscription fanzine to arrive in the family mail-box since I've come home --- and rather a pleasant welcome back to the fan world it is. If I were even slightly acquainted with the present "average" which prevails among fanzines I would probably say that [title underlined] Vamp is far above average. In fact, I might as well say it anyway. Fandom can't have changed that much in less than 2 years. I'm rather curious about the heading on the contents page.. just what are the functions of your contributing editors? -- Are they actually relegated certain duties or responsibilities, or is it a sort of honorary position for drinking companions? Or does it mean that no matter what these 4 fellows contribute, it'll be printed? Or what? (('Tis really just a little special acknowledgement for guys who've contributed material or aid regularly.)) I was rather interested in de la Ree's article, because I disagree so violently with Gerry's interpretation of classical music. I don't remember reading anywhere any comment on the fantasy music question by any of the fan musicians -- though I'm willing to be that very few of them will commit themselves by saying that there definitely is a type of music which could be called fantasy. And, of course, there is the statement ".... the fact still remains that a good 80% of fandom.." How's that again, Gerry? -- Of [second column] course, if this figure is based on the results of one of the polls that you had begun to conduct in the good ol' days, I have no basis for objection. However, my reluctance to recognize "fantasy music" may be due to a sluggish imagination. Perhaps music does conjure
Hevelin Fanzines