Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 2, January-February 1939
Page 15
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 15 science fiction? It seems that English s-f authors have it all over our local boys here in the colonies. So statistics indicate. In the editorial offices of AMAZING, Palmer accepts about 60% of all English mms. submitted while he uses the return postage on close to 95% of the American "brainstorms". Maybe our boys found some use for the pretty colored rejection slips? Nearly all of the stories that DYNAMIC SCIENCE STORIES featured in its first issue had already been submitted to Rap. [[underline]]Nearly[[end underline]], I said. Question of the moment: Why is it hat De Camp never submits his good stuff to AMAZING? (Maybe because he likes ASTOUNDING better---RAM) Speaking of stories, some are wont to ask ---- "What about "The New Adam"? Hmmm. The latest report is that Palmer may put it out in book form to subscribers only. The illustrious fan-author-editor, it seems, financed the Weinbaum Memorial Volume and it was a tremendous success. As for seeing it in magazine form ----- well, not unless Weisinger pulls the "coupe de grace" and buys it for STARTLING. Paradonically, Palmer is the agent for "The New Adam". Incidentally, (and this may mean something to certain authors) the report is that Weisinger purchased "The Black Flame" at 1/2[[cent symbol]] per word. Another artist to be added to the gang that slops the ink about AMAZING is art director Herman R. Bollin. . . . . . .The cartoon in the February "Observatory", submitted as the original, has appeared at least two times before. The artist will no longerwork for any of the Ziff-Davis publications. Another example of rank plagiarism is a certain article, by a respected (heretofore) author, (a science article) submitted recently to AMAZING which was literally lifted from the pages of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. No named mentioned. However, the article was later accepted and printed by another s-f magazine! That contest is coming closer........The originals to the back covers on AMAZING, along with the data, are being kept for the future day when Ziff-Davis decide to publish a book containing both the picture and the info! Wow! All considered, SCIENCE FICTION LOOKS UP! SPECIAL NEWS FLASHES from Mark Reinsberg. Received after above column had been stenciled. AMAZING STORIES has finally purchased. "The New Adam"! However, just exactly what Palmer's intentions concerning it are, remains a mystery. An interesting chain of circumstances are connected with it and Weinbaum. Weinbaum was the [[underline]]thirteenth[[end underline]] member of the Milwaukee Fictioneers. Despite later reports, he died shortly before midnight on the [[underline]]thirteent[[end underline]][[?]] and his "New Adam" was accepted on January [[underline]]thirteenth[[end underline]]! Paul will do the back covers for the new magazine, definitely (now, at least) scheduled for March 15th. Palmer is considering a regular two page cartoon (science fiction) to be done by Krupa. An interesting prediction by by the editor is that there will eventually be [[underline]]30[[end underline]] s-f mags. Ghu help us!. . . .Palmer is preparing a booklet on story requirements for the new author. . . One direct result of the new upspurt in science fiction is the appalling scarcity of good stories. Authors, artists, and readers,are working to capacity. . . .It might be mtnioned that the Weinbaum Memorial Volume can still be purchased from Raymond A. Palmer.
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 15 science fiction? It seems that English s-f authors have it all over our local boys here in the colonies. So statistics indicate. In the editorial offices of AMAZING, Palmer accepts about 60% of all English mms. submitted while he uses the return postage on close to 95% of the American "brainstorms". Maybe our boys found some use for the pretty colored rejection slips? Nearly all of the stories that DYNAMIC SCIENCE STORIES featured in its first issue had already been submitted to Rap. [[underline]]Nearly[[end underline]], I said. Question of the moment: Why is it hat De Camp never submits his good stuff to AMAZING? (Maybe because he likes ASTOUNDING better---RAM) Speaking of stories, some are wont to ask ---- "What about "The New Adam"? Hmmm. The latest report is that Palmer may put it out in book form to subscribers only. The illustrious fan-author-editor, it seems, financed the Weinbaum Memorial Volume and it was a tremendous success. As for seeing it in magazine form ----- well, not unless Weisinger pulls the "coupe de grace" and buys it for STARTLING. Paradonically, Palmer is the agent for "The New Adam". Incidentally, (and this may mean something to certain authors) the report is that Weisinger purchased "The Black Flame" at 1/2[[cent symbol]] per word. Another artist to be added to the gang that slops the ink about AMAZING is art director Herman R. Bollin. . . . . . .The cartoon in the February "Observatory", submitted as the original, has appeared at least two times before. The artist will no longerwork for any of the Ziff-Davis publications. Another example of rank plagiarism is a certain article, by a respected (heretofore) author, (a science article) submitted recently to AMAZING which was literally lifted from the pages of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. No named mentioned. However, the article was later accepted and printed by another s-f magazine! That contest is coming closer........The originals to the back covers on AMAZING, along with the data, are being kept for the future day when Ziff-Davis decide to publish a book containing both the picture and the info! Wow! All considered, SCIENCE FICTION LOOKS UP! SPECIAL NEWS FLASHES from Mark Reinsberg. Received after above column had been stenciled. AMAZING STORIES has finally purchased. "The New Adam"! However, just exactly what Palmer's intentions concerning it are, remains a mystery. An interesting chain of circumstances are connected with it and Weinbaum. Weinbaum was the [[underline]]thirteenth[[end underline]] member of the Milwaukee Fictioneers. Despite later reports, he died shortly before midnight on the [[underline]]thirteent[[end underline]][[?]] and his "New Adam" was accepted on January [[underline]]thirteenth[[end underline]]! Paul will do the back covers for the new magazine, definitely (now, at least) scheduled for March 15th. Palmer is considering a regular two page cartoon (science fiction) to be done by Krupa. An interesting prediction by by the editor is that there will eventually be [[underline]]30[[end underline]] s-f mags. Ghu help us!. . . .Palmer is preparing a booklet on story requirements for the new author. . . One direct result of the new upspurt in science fiction is the appalling scarcity of good stories. Authors, artists, and readers,are working to capacity. . . .It might be mtnioned that the Weinbaum Memorial Volume can still be purchased from Raymond A. Palmer.
Hevelin Fanzines