Le Zombie, whole no. 44, November-December 1941
Page 10
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10 Mark Reinsberg: "Palmer is going to run a fan page in Amazing with me doing the editing. This will be a monthly feature if the fan-letter response is high enough. I can print just about anything I want to, including phtographs." Chicago, Ill. Cyril Kornbluth: "(1) Lezettes; (2) interview; (3) O.K. Smith" (??????) Leon Moffatt: "Here I go again, dept: Cover would have been the bestest yet if it hadn't been smudged, but then that wasn't your fault. (I liked especially Le Zombie spelled in bones.) Editorial: yeh, LeZ has improved in looks, so don't drop anything. (*) Thanks for printing notification of my change of address but where was the announcement stating that Uranus would not appear? ((consider it announced, chum.)) "Putting N.J. on the Fandomap" -- I like this very much! Keep it up! "Ads" -- Say, you didn't by any chance get the idea for those ads from my last contribution to LeZ did you? You haven't returned "Uncle Levi Dept" yet, so maybe you accepted it. (Hopeth I.) ((consider your hopes dashed, chum.))" -Ellwood City, Pa. (*) LeZ sez: Subconsciously, we probably did borrow your idea for those advertisements in last issue. So we hereby give you credit for their inspiration. On the other hand, we thought we had returned your item, "Uncle Levi's Dept." Oh well, We'll search the desk again. Sorry, but it just didn't click. About the "Putting Fandom on the Map" series. We run them as often as we receive them. It's up to fans in various states to send in their locales. What'sa matter with you and Penna.? Raym Washington: "I am interrupting a 10 page letter to write this. I can't wait any longer: WHAT IN THE NAME OF TEN THOUSAND FANMAGS (heaven forbid!) DO THESE SIGNS MEAN:- (*) and (hpp) ???? I demand to know. I can't go on day after day, year after year reading LeZ & not knowing what those things mean. The latter is especially irritating; it reminds one vaguely of "horse power". Take pity on your subscribers... SOLVE THE MYSTERY!" - Live Oak, Fla. (*) Lez sez: Okay chum, educate yourself: This sign (*) when found in these printed letters means that I have deleted something there. I can not print whole letters and still have room for many others I wish to use. So I skip around thru the letters, using a line or a paragraph here and there, and using a (*) where I have deleted something. That, to sum it up, means the whole letter isn't being used as it was written. When the sign is used before the words "Lez sez", it is placed there merely to call attention to my comments. As for "hpp" ... that is the initials of Hoy Ping Pong, a noted author in our pages. He will be pleased to know he represents horsepower. Does that cover the situation? Oh, by the by, we deleted the rest of your letter, as you can see. We simply have not the room to print it, but let this suffice: Raym Washington is engaged in putting out the newest fanzine, Scientifun, which will be full of things and stuff of the LeZ and Damn Thing order ... claim Raym. And one more thing, Raym. You are still wrong about that Alger photo on our cover two issues ago. Alger did not paint the background. Guess again. Harry Jenkins: "(*) 'sa good job you did on this issue. carrithers cover still good despite Ackerman s 5th cm. attempt. best in issue-- lez's ads, followed closely by k. smith's superlative advertisement. I'll be sending a booster ad along soon." (*) Lez sez: Booster ads must be in by Dember ... oops December 20th! We hope to have the issue in the mails Dec. 26th. Meanwhile, if your subscription has expired, or this is your first sample copy, you will finder a sticker on this page giving explicit instructions! Thankee. Your subscription has Expired! Please Renew!
10 Mark Reinsberg: "Palmer is going to run a fan page in Amazing with me doing the editing. This will be a monthly feature if the fan-letter response is high enough. I can print just about anything I want to, including phtographs." Chicago, Ill. Cyril Kornbluth: "(1) Lezettes; (2) interview; (3) O.K. Smith" (??????) Leon Moffatt: "Here I go again, dept: Cover would have been the bestest yet if it hadn't been smudged, but then that wasn't your fault. (I liked especially Le Zombie spelled in bones.) Editorial: yeh, LeZ has improved in looks, so don't drop anything. (*) Thanks for printing notification of my change of address but where was the announcement stating that Uranus would not appear? ((consider it announced, chum.)) "Putting N.J. on the Fandomap" -- I like this very much! Keep it up! "Ads" -- Say, you didn't by any chance get the idea for those ads from my last contribution to LeZ did you? You haven't returned "Uncle Levi Dept" yet, so maybe you accepted it. (Hopeth I.) ((consider your hopes dashed, chum.))" -Ellwood City, Pa. (*) LeZ sez: Subconsciously, we probably did borrow your idea for those advertisements in last issue. So we hereby give you credit for their inspiration. On the other hand, we thought we had returned your item, "Uncle Levi's Dept." Oh well, We'll search the desk again. Sorry, but it just didn't click. About the "Putting Fandom on the Map" series. We run them as often as we receive them. It's up to fans in various states to send in their locales. What'sa matter with you and Penna.? Raym Washington: "I am interrupting a 10 page letter to write this. I can't wait any longer: WHAT IN THE NAME OF TEN THOUSAND FANMAGS (heaven forbid!) DO THESE SIGNS MEAN:- (*) and (hpp) ???? I demand to know. I can't go on day after day, year after year reading LeZ & not knowing what those things mean. The latter is especially irritating; it reminds one vaguely of "horse power". Take pity on your subscribers... SOLVE THE MYSTERY!" - Live Oak, Fla. (*) Lez sez: Okay chum, educate yourself: This sign (*) when found in these printed letters means that I have deleted something there. I can not print whole letters and still have room for many others I wish to use. So I skip around thru the letters, using a line or a paragraph here and there, and using a (*) where I have deleted something. That, to sum it up, means the whole letter isn't being used as it was written. When the sign is used before the words "Lez sez", it is placed there merely to call attention to my comments. As for "hpp" ... that is the initials of Hoy Ping Pong, a noted author in our pages. He will be pleased to know he represents horsepower. Does that cover the situation? Oh, by the by, we deleted the rest of your letter, as you can see. We simply have not the room to print it, but let this suffice: Raym Washington is engaged in putting out the newest fanzine, Scientifun, which will be full of things and stuff of the LeZ and Damn Thing order ... claim Raym. And one more thing, Raym. You are still wrong about that Alger photo on our cover two issues ago. Alger did not paint the background. Guess again. Harry Jenkins: "(*) 'sa good job you did on this issue. carrithers cover still good despite Ackerman s 5th cm. attempt. best in issue-- lez's ads, followed closely by k. smith's superlative advertisement. I'll be sending a booster ad along soon." (*) Lez sez: Booster ads must be in by Dember ... oops December 20th! We hope to have the issue in the mails Dec. 26th. Meanwhile, if your subscription has expired, or this is your first sample copy, you will finder a sticker on this page giving explicit instructions! Thankee. Your subscription has Expired! Please Renew!
Hevelin Fanzines