Spacewarp, v. 4, issue 2, November 1948
Page 12
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sitive. This could be either a cause or a result of a telekinetic ability which might be responsible for the fires. Fort explains this type of fire (which is usually associated with and often blamed on) an adolescent girl) as the vestigal manifestation of an ability which all humans once possessed. Alternatively, he conjectures that the fire-making power operates through mankind, but is actually caused by the natural world itself -- a means of preserving the human race for its function in the Universe -- a means which was more often used in the past, but of which occasional traces remain to the present day. But, despite the inadequacy which 20-years-dead Fort shows in the authorities' explanation of the Willey fires, everyone is now thoroughly satisfied that all is explained. The snug little universe of conventional science spins merrily on. I submit for your consideration this: The essence of science is predictability. If Charles Fort, in 1932, could write the words which enabled me, in 1948, to make the prediction which heads this article, isn't Forteanism worth the investigation of scoffers, skeptics, and scientists? Yet, that complacent trio are all too likely to continue serene in their belief that they know all the answers. The last lingering question lurks here, unheeded, until put into the form of a fanzine article by that not-easily-satisfied individual: The Armchair Fortean Address unknown. Rct. U.S.A.A.F. NO ESCAPE by HAL SHAPIRO NFFF Mss. Bureau The hour is soon at hand and then I shall be gone. There was a time when I would have protested and tried to escape, but now I realize that that would be a hopeless course to pursue. I must go when THEY[[?]] call, and if I cooperate, THEY may allow me to return soon. My brother attempted to FLEE when in their clutches, but it did him no good. He has been back now, for over two years, but still one can see how THEY have changed him. Perhaps if I do not struggle against them, I may learn something of value. It is said that THEY teach those who would learn, demanding only utter obedience in return. And I desire to learn. We are on this earth too short a time to learn all that we should know. Life is short. But he who would live forever is a fool. For soon he would grow old; much too old. His brain would become too feeble to learn. His body would wither and be consumed with the illnesses of age, but he could not die. Endless suffering would be his for a stupid wish. But my mind is wandering. It has always been wandering, but even more so since I have learned THEY seek to possess me. I must prepare myself. I must contact those who have gone and returned. I must try to contact those who have not returned. I have no fear but that I shall eventually return, alive or dead (for THEY are scrupulous in that respect); yet I dread the thought of leaving. The hour draws near. Soon I shall join the others, see strange sights, participate in mysterious ceremonies and perform weird tasks. But perhaps it will not be too fact, I may eventually learn to like the United States Army. - END - 12
sitive. This could be either a cause or a result of a telekinetic ability which might be responsible for the fires. Fort explains this type of fire (which is usually associated with and often blamed on) an adolescent girl) as the vestigal manifestation of an ability which all humans once possessed. Alternatively, he conjectures that the fire-making power operates through mankind, but is actually caused by the natural world itself -- a means of preserving the human race for its function in the Universe -- a means which was more often used in the past, but of which occasional traces remain to the present day. But, despite the inadequacy which 20-years-dead Fort shows in the authorities' explanation of the Willey fires, everyone is now thoroughly satisfied that all is explained. The snug little universe of conventional science spins merrily on. I submit for your consideration this: The essence of science is predictability. If Charles Fort, in 1932, could write the words which enabled me, in 1948, to make the prediction which heads this article, isn't Forteanism worth the investigation of scoffers, skeptics, and scientists? Yet, that complacent trio are all too likely to continue serene in their belief that they know all the answers. The last lingering question lurks here, unheeded, until put into the form of a fanzine article by that not-easily-satisfied individual: The Armchair Fortean Address unknown. Rct. U.S.A.A.F. NO ESCAPE by HAL SHAPIRO NFFF Mss. Bureau The hour is soon at hand and then I shall be gone. There was a time when I would have protested and tried to escape, but now I realize that that would be a hopeless course to pursue. I must go when THEY[[?]] call, and if I cooperate, THEY may allow me to return soon. My brother attempted to FLEE when in their clutches, but it did him no good. He has been back now, for over two years, but still one can see how THEY have changed him. Perhaps if I do not struggle against them, I may learn something of value. It is said that THEY teach those who would learn, demanding only utter obedience in return. And I desire to learn. We are on this earth too short a time to learn all that we should know. Life is short. But he who would live forever is a fool. For soon he would grow old; much too old. His brain would become too feeble to learn. His body would wither and be consumed with the illnesses of age, but he could not die. Endless suffering would be his for a stupid wish. But my mind is wandering. It has always been wandering, but even more so since I have learned THEY seek to possess me. I must prepare myself. I must contact those who have gone and returned. I must try to contact those who have not returned. I have no fear but that I shall eventually return, alive or dead (for THEY are scrupulous in that respect); yet I dread the thought of leaving. The hour draws near. Soon I shall join the others, see strange sights, participate in mysterious ceremonies and perform weird tasks. But perhaps it will not be too fact, I may eventually learn to like the United States Army. - END - 12
Hevelin Fanzines