Spacewarp, v. 4, issue 2, November 1948
Page 21
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Dear Arturo: Noticed among other things in ye September WARP, a rasping hunk of propaganda for the Catholic Church by Dan Mulcahy. Perhaps it is better to include this stuff in "Quien Sabe?" Great Ghu! What's this? WARP up a nickel? I liked Ded Cox's professional style in his story "Dark Night." "Wizard of the Weird," don't care for anything that smacks of Auggie. But this was a damned interesting article, I must say. # We now find that Radell Nelson is a humorist. And a good one. I must send him that bible, some day, autographed. Damn it! Everything, well, almost everything was good in this ish. I have hardly anything to complain about. Don't agree with him, but admire Art James for stating his views so fearlessly. Wilkie Collins...whoops...Conner's piece of fan-fiction was digested quite well...which brings me to say, MORE FANFICTION IN WARP. I place myself against the old fen who scorn helps develop your style as a writer. Now to Mulcahy: If it hadn't been for the freedom loving people, the freethinkers, we'd still be in the midst of the Inquisition, a lovely piece of Christian doing. I can assure you that you are ridiculous when you assert that the Europeans defended themselves against the "Mongol hordes" only because they loved their god. They did it only to protect themselves, and nothing more. Was Columbus a Catholic? Funny but the history books...non-Catholic ones that is...profess not to know his religion. Some even say he might have been a Jew. Besides I heard it was Jews, moneylenders, who supplied the money to Columbus. Why bring the religion of the settlers of this country into it? They didn't do it for religion; they did it for themselves. And I happen to recall that the Pilgrims came here because they were persecuted by the Catholic Church. I ask you, Dan, to be a little bit more careful about YOUR statements. I believe the story of the converted commies. Men gullible enuf to believe in the ranting hyprocisy of communism should certainly be fool enuf to believe in Catholicism. They were converted to Catholicism, weren't they? In closing, allow me to point out a fact you forgot to mention about prominent Catholics: Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were Catholics. BEN SINGER (Present address unknown-- now in the U.S. Army Air Force) ((For the benefit of newcomers in the audience, Ben isn't feuding with the Catholics. He is just as much against Protestants, Jews, Buddhists, Shaverites, or any other religion you can name. If basic training is as rugged nowadays as it was a few years ago, he is probably also now feuding with the Army, the Navy, the Coast Guard, militarists, pacifists, the First Sergeant, and the cats that prowl around the mess hall. Fun, ain't it?)) 21
Dear Arturo: Noticed among other things in ye September WARP, a rasping hunk of propaganda for the Catholic Church by Dan Mulcahy. Perhaps it is better to include this stuff in "Quien Sabe?" Great Ghu! What's this? WARP up a nickel? I liked Ded Cox's professional style in his story "Dark Night." "Wizard of the Weird," don't care for anything that smacks of Auggie. But this was a damned interesting article, I must say. # We now find that Radell Nelson is a humorist. And a good one. I must send him that bible, some day, autographed. Damn it! Everything, well, almost everything was good in this ish. I have hardly anything to complain about. Don't agree with him, but admire Art James for stating his views so fearlessly. Wilkie Collins...whoops...Conner's piece of fan-fiction was digested quite well...which brings me to say, MORE FANFICTION IN WARP. I place myself against the old fen who scorn helps develop your style as a writer. Now to Mulcahy: If it hadn't been for the freedom loving people, the freethinkers, we'd still be in the midst of the Inquisition, a lovely piece of Christian doing. I can assure you that you are ridiculous when you assert that the Europeans defended themselves against the "Mongol hordes" only because they loved their god. They did it only to protect themselves, and nothing more. Was Columbus a Catholic? Funny but the history books...non-Catholic ones that is...profess not to know his religion. Some even say he might have been a Jew. Besides I heard it was Jews, moneylenders, who supplied the money to Columbus. Why bring the religion of the settlers of this country into it? They didn't do it for religion; they did it for themselves. And I happen to recall that the Pilgrims came here because they were persecuted by the Catholic Church. I ask you, Dan, to be a little bit more careful about YOUR statements. I believe the story of the converted commies. Men gullible enuf to believe in the ranting hyprocisy of communism should certainly be fool enuf to believe in Catholicism. They were converted to Catholicism, weren't they? In closing, allow me to point out a fact you forgot to mention about prominent Catholics: Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were Catholics. BEN SINGER (Present address unknown-- now in the U.S. Army Air Force) ((For the benefit of newcomers in the audience, Ben isn't feuding with the Catholics. He is just as much against Protestants, Jews, Buddhists, Shaverites, or any other religion you can name. If basic training is as rugged nowadays as it was a few years ago, he is probably also now feuding with the Army, the Navy, the Coast Guard, militarists, pacifists, the First Sergeant, and the cats that prowl around the mess hall. Fun, ain't it?)) 21
Hevelin Fanzines