Mary Henrietta Peters diary, 1911
1911-09-08 -- 1911-09-12
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out to Mr Halls & stayed all night Frank took us out had a nice time sat sept 9 A nice day Aunt B Russell & I came home had a good time at Lizzies sun sept 10 A nice day Mother Aunt Wallace & Russell went to church mon sept 11 A very warm day we washed am so tired Mother & Aunt picked the grapes Tues sept 12 A nice day trying to rain this eve I made grape jell & jam caned tomatoes
out to Mr Halls & stayed all night Frank took us out had a nice time sat sept 9 A nice day Aunt B Russell & I came home had a good time at Lizzies sun sept 10 A nice day Mother Aunt Wallace & Russell went to church mon sept 11 A very warm day we washed am so tired Mother & Aunt picked the grapes Tues sept 12 A nice day trying to rain this eve I made grape jell & jam caned tomatoes
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries