James A. Van Allen journal, October 1955-March 1958
Page 52
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During mid February, I helped make a television film for a series by the University commemorating 100 years of instruction at State University of Iowa. Began in 1855. One of the six (?) original departments was the Department of Natural Philosophy (later Physics). On 2 March in Chicago I held the first meeting of our Working Group on Internal Instrumentation. Very worthwhile. On 8 March and 9 March I participated in meeting of Technical Panel on Earth Satellite Program -- presentation of our Working Group report was one of the main businesses of the meeting. (in Washington) I have been delegated to become essentially the principal coordinator.
During mid February, I helped make a television film for a series by the University commemorating 100 years of instruction at State University of Iowa. Began in 1855. One of the six (?) original departments was the Department of Natural Philosophy (later Physics). On 2 March in Chicago I held the first meeting of our Working Group on Internal Instrumentation. Very worthwhile. On 8 March and 9 March I participated in meeting of Technical Panel on Earth Satellite Program -- presentation of our Working Group report was one of the main businesses of the meeting. (in Washington) I have been delegated to become essentially the principal coordinator.
Van Allen Papers