James A. Van Allen journal, October 1955-March 1958
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for internal instrumentation. ------ I am now getting the manuscripts together for the book on Scientific Uses of Earth Satellites. Hope to go to press on 1 April. On 23 February 1956 there was a great "cosmic ray storm", the greatest increase of intensity ever observed. Closely correllated with a solar flare. We got a balloon flight up at 1933 G.M.T. (onset of storm at 0349 G.M.T.) and found about 40% increase with single Geiger counter. --------------------------- On 9-10 March Dr. Jauch and associates sponsored theoretical physics conference at State University of Iowa for Midwestern Group of Universities ------>
for internal instrumentation. ------ I am now getting the manuscripts together for the book on Scientific Uses of Earth Satellites. Hope to go to press on 1 April. On 23 February 1956 there was a great "cosmic ray storm", the greatest increase of intensity ever observed. Closely correllated with a solar flare. We got a balloon flight up at 1933 G.M.T. (onset of storm at 0349 G.M.T.) and found about 40% increase with single Geiger counter. --------------------------- On 9-10 March Dr. Jauch and associates sponsored theoretical physics conference at State University of Iowa for Midwestern Group of Universities ------>
Van Allen Papers