James A. Van Allen journal, October 1955-March 1958
Page 89
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Notes on Photomultiplier Tube from Don C. Moore (Nebraska): AFIF (Abteilung Für Industrielle Forschung) Technicale Hochschule Zurich Gloria Strasse 41 "Schatti" tubes : Side Window 3500 volts, 18 stage, ~1/2 amp. peak current to anode; (10 exponent 4) greater gain than 5819, (10 exponent 2) - (10 exponent 3) less noise level than 5819; 10% quantum efficiency, (10 exponent -8) seconds resolution easy; dark current cleans up as voltage is left on. $250 - delivery very leisurely.
Notes on Photomultiplier Tube from Don C. Moore (Nebraska): AFIF (Abteilung Für Industrielle Forschung) Technicale Hochschule Zurich Gloria Strasse 41 "Schatti" tubes : Side Window 3500 volts, 18 stage, ~1/2 amp. peak current to anode; (10 exponent 4) greater gain than 5819, (10 exponent 2) - (10 exponent 3) less noise level than 5819; 10% quantum efficiency, (10 exponent -8) seconds resolution easy; dark current cleans up as voltage is left on. $250 - delivery very leisurely.
Van Allen Papers