James A. Van Allen journal, October 1955-March 1958
Page 251
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4) X-ray spectrometer : Na I (Tl) crystal and P.M. (tube), able to detect individual pulses having E > 6 kev & up. 5) Photocell - horizon - sun aspect meter. 6) Dovap 7) Bendix TM. 8) Parachute recovery package for the emulsion camera Sunrise firing in order to (a) get optical aspect data (b) in order to have sun at low elevation angle in order to not fog the nuclear emulsion film.
4) X-ray spectrometer : Na I (Tl) crystal and P.M. (tube), able to detect individual pulses having E > 6 kev & up. 5) Photocell - horizon - sun aspect meter. 6) Dovap 7) Bendix TM. 8) Parachute recovery package for the emulsion camera Sunrise firing in order to (a) get optical aspect data (b) in order to have sun at low elevation angle in order to not fog the nuclear emulsion film.
Van Allen Papers