Science Fiction Collector, v. 5, issue 1, May 1939
Page 31
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Third Anniversary Issue - Page Thirty-one FAN MAG REVIEW SCIENCE FICTION FAN - May, 1939, Vol. 3, No. 10; Whole Number 34. A not too-good cover is drawn by James Rogers; also the hectographing of this cover is not good. The issue is hectographed on yellow paper a policy we don't favor. Interior illustrations are done by Walter E. Marconette and James M. Rogers. D.A. Wollhaim contributes his column, Fanfarade. Various slants and digs are taken against some fans while the efforts of certain others are lauded. Commentary by R.W. Lowndes is also present in the issue. John B. Michel contributes a fawning piece of fappery entitled;, Cyril Kornbluth--the Man. A well-written bit of fantasy. The Vagrant gives us, with the exception of a paragraph here and there, some interesting notes in his regular feature; Vagabondia Stf. Ralph Milne Farley contributes Stfiana. Ye Olde Booke Collector contributes Ye Fantaisie Bookes. From the short and concise reviews of Taina's books, and from the information contained therein, we gather that the reviewer didn't read the bookes. Wiggins, to top off the issue, gives us one of his rare editorials. Sent along with this issue of the FAN was an anonymous letter, complaining about science fiction, and so forth. Although the letter is supposed to be mimeographed, it looks more like Ditto Direct Process work.
Third Anniversary Issue - Page Thirty-one FAN MAG REVIEW SCIENCE FICTION FAN - May, 1939, Vol. 3, No. 10; Whole Number 34. A not too-good cover is drawn by James Rogers; also the hectographing of this cover is not good. The issue is hectographed on yellow paper a policy we don't favor. Interior illustrations are done by Walter E. Marconette and James M. Rogers. D.A. Wollhaim contributes his column, Fanfarade. Various slants and digs are taken against some fans while the efforts of certain others are lauded. Commentary by R.W. Lowndes is also present in the issue. John B. Michel contributes a fawning piece of fappery entitled;, Cyril Kornbluth--the Man. A well-written bit of fantasy. The Vagrant gives us, with the exception of a paragraph here and there, some interesting notes in his regular feature; Vagabondia Stf. Ralph Milne Farley contributes Stfiana. Ye Olde Booke Collector contributes Ye Fantaisie Bookes. From the short and concise reviews of Taina's books, and from the information contained therein, we gather that the reviewer didn't read the bookes. Wiggins, to top off the issue, gives us one of his rare editorials. Sent along with this issue of the FAN was an anonymous letter, complaining about science fiction, and so forth. Although the letter is supposed to be mimeographed, it looks more like Ditto Direct Process work.
Hevelin Fanzines