Science Fiction Weekly, v. 1, issue 11, April 28, 1940
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Science Fiction Weekly Vol. 1.No 11 2574 Bedford Ave Brooklyn, N.Y. Apr. 28, 1940 5c ON THE PLANET THE THIRD ISSUE of Planet Stories, which should be out by the time you are reading this, features four powerful novelettes: "The Forbidden Dream, a poignant tale of an entire world's psychosis, by Ross Rocklynne, "Exiles of the Three Red Worlds", a well-written, fast-moving tale of a prison-planet, by Planet's find, Carl Selwyn, "The Cosmic Juggernaut", one of the best examples of John Russell Fearn in his high-powered "Tremaine -Astounding" type yearns, and one of Neil R. Jones' tales of future centuries - - "The Dark Swordsmen of Saturn" (which apparently has no connection with the novel of somewhat similar title in Science Fiction.) There is a brief article by Edward Podolsky, PS's feature flash which tells about the authors and artists in this issue, and an enlarged Visagraph wherein the editor's straight-shooting replies makes for as topnotch a readers' column as we have seen anywhere. Only gripe is that we think it should be bigger. There are also fanmag reviews. Art work this issue is supplied by Paul, More, Eren, Don Lynch, and Ed Smalley. A colorful cover by Drake, fitting in perfectly with the ringed-moon title-head, tops off the issue. Oh yes, we almost forgot: the Cummings tale is the space-ship story. FUTURIAN NEWS THE IVORY TOWER, Brooklyn: -- Leslie Perri celebrated her birthday April 28 with an apes midèe at her home. Afterwards, Mrs Baumgardt called for volunteers to practice the noble art of dishwashing. No one volunteered. So by popular vote, Murder-From-Mars Wilson was drafted, while Dave Kyle, J.F. Martindale Dockweiler, and Frederik Superstaonishing Pohl dried and R. Dorothy Cohen headed a mopping brigade to save Wilson from being drowned in the deluge of water that rose about his feet. La Perri played the difficult role of spectator with èlan, and much laughter. ... For some inexplicable reason, scads of QSFL members insist on dropping in at the Tower and hanging all over the place. No one knows when a new QSFL member will walk in through the door or will be found standing around just anywhere. The Futurians don't know what to make of it all; they just look at each other and scratch their heads. ... Besides the Queensies, the Tower has Editor - trouble. With most fans, the problem is how to get the editors around and keep them interested; with the Futurians, the problem, is how to get them away and keep them from coming back. Sunday, for example, F. G. Pohl (Astonishing Stories, Super-Science Stories), climbed in the kitchen window via the fire escape at 4:15 AM with a member of his rewrite staff. Waking up Wilson, they proceeded to paw through his fan magazine files and beg for permission to borrow his car until, in desperation, Doc Lowndes arose, dressed, coffeed them and walked the 0 down to Sheepshead Bay, before Fred was in the mood for home and Morpheus. Rewrite man grew tired of waiting eventually and was inveigled into leaving later in the morning. Thus, the manufacturing of SFW was delayed, indefinitely as Towerties tossed fretfully in their bunks and tried to figure cheap ways of rotating apartment 4C into the 4th Dimension at will.
Science Fiction Weekly Vol. 1.No 11 2574 Bedford Ave Brooklyn, N.Y. Apr. 28, 1940 5c ON THE PLANET THE THIRD ISSUE of Planet Stories, which should be out by the time you are reading this, features four powerful novelettes: "The Forbidden Dream, a poignant tale of an entire world's psychosis, by Ross Rocklynne, "Exiles of the Three Red Worlds", a well-written, fast-moving tale of a prison-planet, by Planet's find, Carl Selwyn, "The Cosmic Juggernaut", one of the best examples of John Russell Fearn in his high-powered "Tremaine -Astounding" type yearns, and one of Neil R. Jones' tales of future centuries - - "The Dark Swordsmen of Saturn" (which apparently has no connection with the novel of somewhat similar title in Science Fiction.) There is a brief article by Edward Podolsky, PS's feature flash which tells about the authors and artists in this issue, and an enlarged Visagraph wherein the editor's straight-shooting replies makes for as topnotch a readers' column as we have seen anywhere. Only gripe is that we think it should be bigger. There are also fanmag reviews. Art work this issue is supplied by Paul, More, Eren, Don Lynch, and Ed Smalley. A colorful cover by Drake, fitting in perfectly with the ringed-moon title-head, tops off the issue. Oh yes, we almost forgot: the Cummings tale is the space-ship story. FUTURIAN NEWS THE IVORY TOWER, Brooklyn: -- Leslie Perri celebrated her birthday April 28 with an apes midèe at her home. Afterwards, Mrs Baumgardt called for volunteers to practice the noble art of dishwashing. No one volunteered. So by popular vote, Murder-From-Mars Wilson was drafted, while Dave Kyle, J.F. Martindale Dockweiler, and Frederik Superstaonishing Pohl dried and R. Dorothy Cohen headed a mopping brigade to save Wilson from being drowned in the deluge of water that rose about his feet. La Perri played the difficult role of spectator with èlan, and much laughter. ... For some inexplicable reason, scads of QSFL members insist on dropping in at the Tower and hanging all over the place. No one knows when a new QSFL member will walk in through the door or will be found standing around just anywhere. The Futurians don't know what to make of it all; they just look at each other and scratch their heads. ... Besides the Queensies, the Tower has Editor - trouble. With most fans, the problem is how to get the editors around and keep them interested; with the Futurians, the problem, is how to get them away and keep them from coming back. Sunday, for example, F. G. Pohl (Astonishing Stories, Super-Science Stories), climbed in the kitchen window via the fire escape at 4:15 AM with a member of his rewrite staff. Waking up Wilson, they proceeded to paw through his fan magazine files and beg for permission to borrow his car until, in desperation, Doc Lowndes arose, dressed, coffeed them and walked the 0 down to Sheepshead Bay, before Fred was in the mood for home and Morpheus. Rewrite man grew tired of waiting eventually and was inveigled into leaving later in the morning. Thus, the manufacturing of SFW was delayed, indefinitely as Towerties tossed fretfully in their bunks and tried to figure cheap ways of rotating apartment 4C into the 4th Dimension at will.
Hevelin Fanzines