Horizons, v. 1, issue 3, April 1940
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2 H O R I Z O N S HORIZONS: vol 1. no. 3. April 1940. Price: two copies for fifteen cents. No smaller subscription accepted. Advertising rates: half page, thirty cents, full page, fifty cents. Abroad: [illegible] by International Money Order, or arrange for trade with foreign fantasy. Please do not submit to Horizons anything except fiction, do to editorial policy. E D I T O R: Harry Warner, Jr., 203 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md ART EDITOR: Walter Earl Marconette, 2709 E. Second Street, Dayton, Ohio ASSOCIATE EDITOR: James S. Avery, 35 Middle Street, Skowhegan, Maine CONTENTS THE TIME SPIRAL Jayne Ellis page THE SPACE-MAN STRIKES BACK Vol Molesworth [illegible] Letters [illegible] Walter E Marconette EDITORIAL NOTES Editorial Next issue of Horizons will appear July 1 EDITORIAL NOTES There's a list of extra [] this issue, and thus this rather kicked-about [] guts [] place in the lime-light. [] good [] for Horizons is facing [] of a [] crisis, compared to most of those , thought, it's One is a desire to provide a one to professional magazine, or it is of You'll notice this issue [illegible] pages larger The next issue of Horizons will contain at least 15 pages, and will still be hektoed After that, to begin the magazine's second volume there's a possibility a change will be made to the mimeo If you want to see this, you can do your part: by forcing me to mimeo it Because, as you know, a hektographed magazine can issue only so many copies of each issue, unless the editor is fool enough to make two complete editions Here's one who isn't willing to go to that much work. If you'll resubscribe, or pester a bunch of your friends to subscribe, I'll have to mimeo the magazine, there won't be any choice in the matter, because with a much larger subscriber list, there wouldn't be enough copies to go around. So it's up to you If enough subscriptions come in to force mimeoing it will also be enough to pay for the change in format I await the result.
2 H O R I Z O N S HORIZONS: vol 1. no. 3. April 1940. Price: two copies for fifteen cents. No smaller subscription accepted. Advertising rates: half page, thirty cents, full page, fifty cents. Abroad: [illegible] by International Money Order, or arrange for trade with foreign fantasy. Please do not submit to Horizons anything except fiction, do to editorial policy. E D I T O R: Harry Warner, Jr., 203 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md ART EDITOR: Walter Earl Marconette, 2709 E. Second Street, Dayton, Ohio ASSOCIATE EDITOR: James S. Avery, 35 Middle Street, Skowhegan, Maine CONTENTS THE TIME SPIRAL Jayne Ellis page THE SPACE-MAN STRIKES BACK Vol Molesworth [illegible] Letters [illegible] Walter E Marconette EDITORIAL NOTES Editorial Next issue of Horizons will appear July 1 EDITORIAL NOTES There's a list of extra [] this issue, and thus this rather kicked-about [] guts [] place in the lime-light. [] good [] for Horizons is facing [] of a [] crisis, compared to most of those , thought, it's One is a desire to provide a one to professional magazine, or it is of You'll notice this issue [illegible] pages larger The next issue of Horizons will contain at least 15 pages, and will still be hektoed After that, to begin the magazine's second volume there's a possibility a change will be made to the mimeo If you want to see this, you can do your part: by forcing me to mimeo it Because, as you know, a hektographed magazine can issue only so many copies of each issue, unless the editor is fool enough to make two complete editions Here's one who isn't willing to go to that much work. If you'll resubscribe, or pester a bunch of your friends to subscribe, I'll have to mimeo the magazine, there won't be any choice in the matter, because with a much larger subscriber list, there wouldn't be enough copies to go around. So it's up to you If enough subscriptions come in to force mimeoing it will also be enough to pay for the change in format I await the result.
Hevelin Fanzines