Spaceways, v. 4, issue 4, whole no. 27, April 1942
Page 17
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SPACEWAYS 17 [centered] IF I WEREWOLF City Wampries, Michefans, etc, who wish to join us; then over to England, to en-list the aid of the intellectuals. "Then our first project should be to end the war by moving into Germany and dispatching Hitler and such Nazis as will be necessary for us to gain control of the nation. Future possibilities are unlimited. I have also in mind such projects as the establishment of a floating palace-platform for fandom, in the middle of the Atlantic; but that will come later." Chauvenet flapped his wings and flew about the room. "I move Art's sug-gestions be adopted and put into action immediately!" Gilbert's hood waved above the throng. "I second the mossshun!" came his mental hiss. (Put that in your pipe and sssssmoke it, Koenig!) As I was about to call for a vote, there came a double scream of terror from Morojo and Trudy, and a hoarse shout from Jenkins. We were all petrified to see a red ray focused on the fishbowl; then the bowl grew misty and vague as the red ray drew it up through the ceiling. We sensed the anguished mental wails of the three: "Help! Vitons! Perdue...." The mental cries abruptly faded away. Women fainted, and drunks took the pledge as our motley horde poured from the windows of 1055 Wilshire Boulevard. Our winged members were streaking toward the northeast after the red ray and the fishbowl, but it could be seen that they were rapidly losing the chase. Soon they all disappeared in the distance. [Centered] (To be continued by Elmer Perdue) [Line break] [Centered] ADVERTISEMENTS [Text is in two columns.] [Left column] The world's most stirring times are beginning--NOW! All about you are new frontiers. Plastics, al-loys, vitamins and vast social changes are building the civilization of tom-morrow. [Centered] SPACE TRAVEL IS INEVITABLE! [Centered] Join the United States Rocket Society. Two-year Charter Mem-bership: $1.00 United States Rocket Society 4108 N. Kenmore Ave., number 501 Chicago, Illinois [Line break] WE'RE NOT HIDING OUR LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL! The bushel, in this case, is the bushel of new fanzines which seem to be pop-ping up all over the country; and the light is [underlined] Leprechaun, the mag which is outshining them all. No, we're not hiding our light. [underlined] Leprechaun just won't take second place. The second (May) issue will be out about the middle of April, with a really swell line-up; in-cluding Tucker, Warner, Farsaci, Marlow, Schmarje, and others. The material is of all types, and it is all enjoyable. Send only a nickel to Larry Shaw, 1301 State St., Schenectady, New York, for a mag which is going places fast! [Second column has an illustration of a planet in the right corner with title in large white letters. Second column is also surrounded by thin black line border.] TYCHO [Underlined] Tycho is a new fanzine which every actifan should get! Colored inks, forty pages in the first issue, [underlined] Tycho will soon be mailed. Be on hand to get your copy. Price is five cents or six issues for twenty-five cents. Trades with other fanzines are extremely welcome. --John L. Gergen, 221 Melbourne Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota. [Line break] Coming up in the first issue are: Reviewing the Pros, by Sam Russell; The Best in Covers by our art-staff; MacGregor by Gordon Dickson (fiction); Controversy! by Phil Bronson; A swell cover by Art Osterlund; and a lot of other junk you won't want to miss. Advertisement rates are low: 1-4 page--15c; 1-2page--25c; whole page--40c. [Line break]
SPACEWAYS 17 [centered] IF I WEREWOLF City Wampries, Michefans, etc, who wish to join us; then over to England, to en-list the aid of the intellectuals. "Then our first project should be to end the war by moving into Germany and dispatching Hitler and such Nazis as will be necessary for us to gain control of the nation. Future possibilities are unlimited. I have also in mind such projects as the establishment of a floating palace-platform for fandom, in the middle of the Atlantic; but that will come later." Chauvenet flapped his wings and flew about the room. "I move Art's sug-gestions be adopted and put into action immediately!" Gilbert's hood waved above the throng. "I second the mossshun!" came his mental hiss. (Put that in your pipe and sssssmoke it, Koenig!) As I was about to call for a vote, there came a double scream of terror from Morojo and Trudy, and a hoarse shout from Jenkins. We were all petrified to see a red ray focused on the fishbowl; then the bowl grew misty and vague as the red ray drew it up through the ceiling. We sensed the anguished mental wails of the three: "Help! Vitons! Perdue...." The mental cries abruptly faded away. Women fainted, and drunks took the pledge as our motley horde poured from the windows of 1055 Wilshire Boulevard. Our winged members were streaking toward the northeast after the red ray and the fishbowl, but it could be seen that they were rapidly losing the chase. Soon they all disappeared in the distance. [Centered] (To be continued by Elmer Perdue) [Line break] [Centered] ADVERTISEMENTS [Text is in two columns.] [Left column] The world's most stirring times are beginning--NOW! All about you are new frontiers. Plastics, al-loys, vitamins and vast social changes are building the civilization of tom-morrow. [Centered] SPACE TRAVEL IS INEVITABLE! [Centered] Join the United States Rocket Society. Two-year Charter Mem-bership: $1.00 United States Rocket Society 4108 N. Kenmore Ave., number 501 Chicago, Illinois [Line break] WE'RE NOT HIDING OUR LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL! The bushel, in this case, is the bushel of new fanzines which seem to be pop-ping up all over the country; and the light is [underlined] Leprechaun, the mag which is outshining them all. No, we're not hiding our light. [underlined] Leprechaun just won't take second place. The second (May) issue will be out about the middle of April, with a really swell line-up; in-cluding Tucker, Warner, Farsaci, Marlow, Schmarje, and others. The material is of all types, and it is all enjoyable. Send only a nickel to Larry Shaw, 1301 State St., Schenectady, New York, for a mag which is going places fast! [Second column has an illustration of a planet in the right corner with title in large white letters. Second column is also surrounded by thin black line border.] TYCHO [Underlined] Tycho is a new fanzine which every actifan should get! Colored inks, forty pages in the first issue, [underlined] Tycho will soon be mailed. Be on hand to get your copy. Price is five cents or six issues for twenty-five cents. Trades with other fanzines are extremely welcome. --John L. Gergen, 221 Melbourne Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota. [Line break] Coming up in the first issue are: Reviewing the Pros, by Sam Russell; The Best in Covers by our art-staff; MacGregor by Gordon Dickson (fiction); Controversy! by Phil Bronson; A swell cover by Art Osterlund; and a lot of other junk you won't want to miss. Advertisement rates are low: 1-4 page--15c; 1-2page--25c; whole page--40c. [Line break]
Hevelin Fanzines