Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations: Final report, 1950
Page 11
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11 It may be observed in figure 3 that approximately four of every ten Negro families are a part of a multiple household situation; that is,they share a common residence unit with one or more additional families. This is significantly in excess of the proportion of such household situations found in the Pittsburgh Community Self Survey, where approximately one out of every four households were so constituted. Although the principle implication here is for housing accommodation, the findings are important as a description of the general situation of the Negro family. The proportion of families with female heads, the marital status of the heads and the proportion of broken families give important indices of family and group status. It was found that 16 percent of the heads of Negro families in the city were female. This is about the same proportion obtaining for all family groups in the United States (15.0%), as given in special census figures for 1947. At the same time, this reveals a more stable family situation than obtained for all non-white families in the U.S. in 1947, where 22 percent of the families had female heads. In terms of the number of broken families, the Negro group in Burlington is considerably less stable than all families in the nation in 1947. Twenty-two percent of the Negro families were discovered to be broken by separation, widowhood or divorces, as compared with 12 percent of all families in the United States in 1947. The proportion of these families in Burlington is closely similar to that discovered for Negro families in Pittsburgh were 22.4 percent of the families were classified as broken. This represents probably a relatively high degree of family disorganization for the small number of Negroes in Burlington and for a small
11 It may be observed in figure 3 that approximately four of every ten Negro families are a part of a multiple household situation; that is,they share a common residence unit with one or more additional families. This is significantly in excess of the proportion of such household situations found in the Pittsburgh Community Self Survey, where approximately one out of every four households were so constituted. Although the principle implication here is for housing accommodation, the findings are important as a description of the general situation of the Negro family. The proportion of families with female heads, the marital status of the heads and the proportion of broken families give important indices of family and group status. It was found that 16 percent of the heads of Negro families in the city were female. This is about the same proportion obtaining for all family groups in the United States (15.0%), as given in special census figures for 1947. At the same time, this reveals a more stable family situation than obtained for all non-white families in the U.S. in 1947, where 22 percent of the families had female heads. In terms of the number of broken families, the Negro group in Burlington is considerably less stable than all families in the nation in 1947. Twenty-two percent of the Negro families were discovered to be broken by separation, widowhood or divorces, as compared with 12 percent of all families in the United States in 1947. The proportion of these families in Burlington is closely similar to that discovered for Negro families in Pittsburgh were 22.4 percent of the families were classified as broken. This represents probably a relatively high degree of family disorganization for the small number of Negroes in Burlington and for a small
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