Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations: Final report, 1950
Page 41
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41 Teachers were in addition, asked if they thought that students and parents from their schools would oppose the appointment of a Negro teacher. More than half of the teachers were uncertain about the matter. Table 6. Distribution of Responses From 179 Burlington Public and Parochial School Teachers Concerning Whether Pupils and Parents would Oppose Appointment of a Negro Teacher. 1950. Students and Parents Would Oppose Appointment of Negro Teacher Replies Number, Percent Total, 179, 100.0 Yes, 24, 19.0 No, 25, 14.0 Uncertain, 100, 55.9 Other, 16, 8.9 No Response, 4, 2.2 Approximately one fifth thought that students and parents would oppose the idea, and approximately one seventh thought that pupils and parents would not. (Table 6) Responses arranged according to school type show that only two high school teachers thought parents and pupils would oppose the appointment of a Negro teacher. On the other hand 65 percent at this level were uncertain about the reaction of pupils and parents to the appointment of a Negro teacher. 1 1. Appendix Table XXXIV
41 Teachers were in addition, asked if they thought that students and parents from their schools would oppose the appointment of a Negro teacher. More than half of the teachers were uncertain about the matter. Table 6. Distribution of Responses From 179 Burlington Public and Parochial School Teachers Concerning Whether Pupils and Parents would Oppose Appointment of a Negro Teacher. 1950. Students and Parents Would Oppose Appointment of Negro Teacher Replies Number, Percent Total, 179, 100.0 Yes, 24, 19.0 No, 25, 14.0 Uncertain, 100, 55.9 Other, 16, 8.9 No Response, 4, 2.2 Approximately one fifth thought that students and parents would oppose the idea, and approximately one seventh thought that pupils and parents would not. (Table 6) Responses arranged according to school type show that only two high school teachers thought parents and pupils would oppose the appointment of a Negro teacher. On the other hand 65 percent at this level were uncertain about the reaction of pupils and parents to the appointment of a Negro teacher. 1 1. Appendix Table XXXIV
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