Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations: Final report, 1950
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78 Since the quality of housing occupied by Negroes seems to be the key factor, with reference to any special housing disadvantage facing Negroes, the age and condition of dwellings give significant points of appraisal. The following table summarizes the important indices given by the survey findings, along with comparisons from the 1940 census data. Table 16. Some Indices of the Quality of Negro Housing, Burlington, Iowa, 1950.* Indices, Negro 1950, City at Large, 1940 Percentage owner occupied structures, 75.0, 64.4 Average monthly rent in dollars, 22.71,22.74 Average no. of persons per household, 3.1,2.9 Percentage of 1 family structures, 76.4, 77.4 Percentage of wood structure, 82.0, 82.0 Percent of dwellings built before 1920, 88.0, 83.0 Percent dwelling with 1.5 or more persons per room, 0.0, 2.6 Percent dwelling units without private baths, 24.0, 35.2 Percent dwelling units with running water in both bath and kitchen, 72.9 Percent dwellings costing 33,000.00 or more, 59.0, 44.5 The two periods contrasted in Table 16 - Negro housing in the 1950 sample as against housing for the city at large in 1940 - are not comparable. In the absence of 1950 data for the city, however, the 1940 figures give a use * A more detailed breakdown of data for the 1950 Negro dwellings included in appendix tables XXXIV through XLIIII.
78 Since the quality of housing occupied by Negroes seems to be the key factor, with reference to any special housing disadvantage facing Negroes, the age and condition of dwellings give significant points of appraisal. The following table summarizes the important indices given by the survey findings, along with comparisons from the 1940 census data. Table 16. Some Indices of the Quality of Negro Housing, Burlington, Iowa, 1950.* Indices, Negro 1950, City at Large, 1940 Percentage owner occupied structures, 75.0, 64.4 Average monthly rent in dollars, 22.71,22.74 Average no. of persons per household, 3.1,2.9 Percentage of 1 family structures, 76.4, 77.4 Percentage of wood structure, 82.0, 82.0 Percent of dwellings built before 1920, 88.0, 83.0 Percent dwelling with 1.5 or more persons per room, 0.0, 2.6 Percent dwelling units without private baths, 24.0, 35.2 Percent dwelling units with running water in both bath and kitchen, 72.9 Percent dwellings costing 33,000.00 or more, 59.0, 44.5 The two periods contrasted in Table 16 - Negro housing in the 1950 sample as against housing for the city at large in 1940 - are not comparable. In the absence of 1950 data for the city, however, the 1940 figures give a use * A more detailed breakdown of data for the 1950 Negro dwellings included in appendix tables XXXIV through XLIIII.
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