Fantasy Fiction Field, v. 2, issue 4, whole no. 27, May 19, 1941
Page 12
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Fantasy Fiction Field Illustrated News Weekly Vol. 2/#3 Page 12 Leslie Perri - editor The fourth member of the Futurian Society of New York to become the editor of a pulp magazine is Leslie Perri, better known as Mrs. Frederik Pohl. The magazine isn't science-fiction, however, so you fans needn't get too excited. Title is MOVIE LOVE STORIES, and it comes out under the Albing banner. Due out around the 15th of the month. Apology Department Editor FFF. Misguided Sir: -- In your special issue of FFF you say "FFF has already published a statement that, to our belief, E. A. Grosser is the same as Graph Waldeyer. And no indignant denials or corrections have been received." Well, you are receiving one now. I did not see the previous statement in FFF to which you refer, but I saw the same misinformation printed in another fan mag and it seems time to correct it. How the idea got about that I have any connection with E. A. Grosser is totally beyond my feeble perceptions. I am not Grosser. I don't know how I can prove it -- anymore than I can prove that I'm not the second coming of Christ. But I'm not Grosser -- nor anyone else at all except Graph Waldeyer. You'll just have to take it or leave it. -- GRAPH WALDEYER (Dear Mr. Waldeyer: We'll take your word on both counts. After receiving your letter, we contacted the person from whom we thought we had obtained the information, preparing to blast him, only to find out that he knows nothing about it and had seen it first in FFF. That left us, figuratively, with our pantaloons down, because, now we can't for the life of us figure out where we heard it, and why we assumed it to be authoritative. So we'll just apologize and withdraw confusedly.) QSFL Meeting Sunday last, the Queens Science Fiction League held its regular monthly meeting. About ten fans were in attendance. Leo Margulics, Mort Weisinger, Oscar J. Friend, and others connected with Standard Publications were guests. At this meeting, regular elections were held, and Wm. S. Sykora was elected President of the club, getting 6 votes to opponent R. G. Thompson's 4. Alex Oshoroff was elected librarian by the same plurality also over Thompson. Frances Sykora and Mrs. Wm. S. Sykora opposed each other for the post of Secretary-Treasurer. Fantasy News Changes Hands Reliable sources indicate that a change of publishers has occurred in the case of FFF's rival weekly -- Fantasy News. Formerly under the editorship of W. S. Sykora, the sheet has now returned to its founder, James V. Taurasi. Nothing more definite about it can be stated at this time. Draft News Julie Unger is in class 3 and will be safe for a good long time yet -- in fact, he's virtually exempt. Vincent Manning went into the army on April 7th. Jack Williamson is under the colors. Walt Kubilius has received his questionnaire, but hasn't been looked over by the meds yet. And Doc Lowndes is in class 1 b. Due to his clubfoot, papers say. And then there is the matter of his right ear in which he's practically deaf. So, all eligible members of the FSNY have received questionnaires, and most of them have had examinations. Did we mention the Michelist before? Well, he's in class 4 f. Osteomylitis. When the Japs and the Nazis are pushing the last defenders into the Mississippi, then they'll call on our Johnny, but probably not until. Oh, we forgot Dave Kyle. No news on him yet. F. Gramdoreax Pohl, Daniel Crasher Burford, Cyril SDG Kornbluth, and Jack Gillespie were under age last October.
Fantasy Fiction Field Illustrated News Weekly Vol. 2/#3 Page 12 Leslie Perri - editor The fourth member of the Futurian Society of New York to become the editor of a pulp magazine is Leslie Perri, better known as Mrs. Frederik Pohl. The magazine isn't science-fiction, however, so you fans needn't get too excited. Title is MOVIE LOVE STORIES, and it comes out under the Albing banner. Due out around the 15th of the month. Apology Department Editor FFF. Misguided Sir: -- In your special issue of FFF you say "FFF has already published a statement that, to our belief, E. A. Grosser is the same as Graph Waldeyer. And no indignant denials or corrections have been received." Well, you are receiving one now. I did not see the previous statement in FFF to which you refer, but I saw the same misinformation printed in another fan mag and it seems time to correct it. How the idea got about that I have any connection with E. A. Grosser is totally beyond my feeble perceptions. I am not Grosser. I don't know how I can prove it -- anymore than I can prove that I'm not the second coming of Christ. But I'm not Grosser -- nor anyone else at all except Graph Waldeyer. You'll just have to take it or leave it. -- GRAPH WALDEYER (Dear Mr. Waldeyer: We'll take your word on both counts. After receiving your letter, we contacted the person from whom we thought we had obtained the information, preparing to blast him, only to find out that he knows nothing about it and had seen it first in FFF. That left us, figuratively, with our pantaloons down, because, now we can't for the life of us figure out where we heard it, and why we assumed it to be authoritative. So we'll just apologize and withdraw confusedly.) QSFL Meeting Sunday last, the Queens Science Fiction League held its regular monthly meeting. About ten fans were in attendance. Leo Margulics, Mort Weisinger, Oscar J. Friend, and others connected with Standard Publications were guests. At this meeting, regular elections were held, and Wm. S. Sykora was elected President of the club, getting 6 votes to opponent R. G. Thompson's 4. Alex Oshoroff was elected librarian by the same plurality also over Thompson. Frances Sykora and Mrs. Wm. S. Sykora opposed each other for the post of Secretary-Treasurer. Fantasy News Changes Hands Reliable sources indicate that a change of publishers has occurred in the case of FFF's rival weekly -- Fantasy News. Formerly under the editorship of W. S. Sykora, the sheet has now returned to its founder, James V. Taurasi. Nothing more definite about it can be stated at this time. Draft News Julie Unger is in class 3 and will be safe for a good long time yet -- in fact, he's virtually exempt. Vincent Manning went into the army on April 7th. Jack Williamson is under the colors. Walt Kubilius has received his questionnaire, but hasn't been looked over by the meds yet. And Doc Lowndes is in class 1 b. Due to his clubfoot, papers say. And then there is the matter of his right ear in which he's practically deaf. So, all eligible members of the FSNY have received questionnaires, and most of them have had examinations. Did we mention the Michelist before? Well, he's in class 4 f. Osteomylitis. When the Japs and the Nazis are pushing the last defenders into the Mississippi, then they'll call on our Johnny, but probably not until. Oh, we forgot Dave Kyle. No news on him yet. F. Gramdoreax Pohl, Daniel Crasher Burford, Cyril SDG Kornbluth, and Jack Gillespie were under age last October.
Hevelin Fanzines