Fan-Atic, v. 1, issue 2, March 1941
Page 10
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FAN-ATIC, Vol 1, No 2. March 1941. Page 10. KEEP THAT LIGHT BURNING by J. Edward Davis. [poem is centered on page] 1. In the gray morn of an English day, German planes can be seen o'er the bay; Shells from the guns, hidden on shore, Pound at the planes----but there are more. II London's center in wreckage lies, But out of this what will rise? A country great----a country wise, One strong in faith, vast in size. III Their homes in wreckage the people see, It matters little, for they're still free. The day draws on----next comes night. Raiders above drone out of sight. IV In America still, the light burns bright, No bombs, no air raids, no planes in sight. Keep up your courage, and kindle the flame, Show your true colors, and keep them the same. V Back in the states, our cities gay, We think of Europe, once happy, no gray; So keep that light burning, America strong, Democracy's right, and triumphs o'er wrong. F I N I S ################### FAN-ATIC is published bi-monthly by Charles Beling, Harrington Park, N.J. The price is 5 cents, 6 for a quarter. Ad rates are: Full Page, 70 cents; Half Page, 35 cents; Quarter Page, 20 cents; Eighth Page, 10 cents. No larger or smaller ads or subs will be taken. FAN-ATIC will exchange with any other fanzine. Any opinions stated herein, unless in editorials, are not necessarily those of the editor.
FAN-ATIC, Vol 1, No 2. March 1941. Page 10. KEEP THAT LIGHT BURNING by J. Edward Davis. [poem is centered on page] 1. In the gray morn of an English day, German planes can be seen o'er the bay; Shells from the guns, hidden on shore, Pound at the planes----but there are more. II London's center in wreckage lies, But out of this what will rise? A country great----a country wise, One strong in faith, vast in size. III Their homes in wreckage the people see, It matters little, for they're still free. The day draws on----next comes night. Raiders above drone out of sight. IV In America still, the light burns bright, No bombs, no air raids, no planes in sight. Keep up your courage, and kindle the flame, Show your true colors, and keep them the same. V Back in the states, our cities gay, We think of Europe, once happy, no gray; So keep that light burning, America strong, Democracy's right, and triumphs o'er wrong. F I N I S ################### FAN-ATIC is published bi-monthly by Charles Beling, Harrington Park, N.J. The price is 5 cents, 6 for a quarter. Ad rates are: Full Page, 70 cents; Half Page, 35 cents; Quarter Page, 20 cents; Eighth Page, 10 cents. No larger or smaller ads or subs will be taken. FAN-ATIC will exchange with any other fanzine. Any opinions stated herein, unless in editorials, are not necessarily those of the editor.
Hevelin Fanzines