Mary Henrietta Peters diary, 1925-1926
1925-04-05 -- 1925-04-07
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sun apri 5 A nice bright day wind a little chilly Mary Ann Ella Grace (Mile?) Elizabeth & Leman Foxwell all called a while this eve Wallace Lena & I went to Old Aunt Tildy Peters funeral this afternoon she isent any relation to us Russell went to see Fred Lee Klingman this afternoon Mon Apri 6 A nice day Mary & I went to Wadena with Wallace this afternoon was at Linies a while I got a 100 weight of sugar payed $6.90 took 27 doz eggs got 25 dts a doz Tues Apri 7 A fine day just awful warm we ironed did (illegible) most of the patching Rev
sun apri 5 A nice bright day wind a little chilly Mary Ann Ella Grace (Mile?) Elizabeth & Leman Foxwell all called a while this eve Wallace Lena & I went to Old Aunt Tildy Peters funeral this afternoon she isent any relation to us Russell went to see Fred Lee Klingman this afternoon Mon Apri 6 A nice day Mary & I went to Wadena with Wallace this afternoon was at Linies a while I got a 100 weight of sugar payed $6.90 took 27 doz eggs got 25 dts a doz Tues Apri 7 A fine day just awful warm we ironed did (illegible) most of the patching Rev
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries