Fantasy News Annual, v. 7, issue 1, whole no. 150, July 27, 1941
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Page Twelve SECOND NEWS SECTION FANTASY NEWS PRO LINEUPS Cont: "Thrills In Science", Scientific Cross Word Puzzle and Review of Stfan Magazines will complete the. issue. THRILLING WONDER STORIES THRILLING WONDER for August has Edmond (Save the Earth) Hamilton's "The Son Of Two Worlds" illustrated on the cover by artist Rudolph Belarski. Harry Walton, popular Queens SFL member, and editorial staff member of POPULAR SCIENCE Monthly, has a short yarn, "In the Ancient Way", "Pettigrew Lives Again" is by Don Tracy; "Masters Of Chance" by William Morrisson; "Space Chore" by Manly Wade Wellman; "Appointment In Space?" by John Broome, C. P. Mason, who has written stories in the old Gernsback WONDER under the pseudonym of Epaminondas T. Snooks, D.T.G., has an article entitled "Time Table For Earth". The Time Stream by Sam Moskowitz. Fred Pohl, member of the Futurian Society of N.Y. and well-known stfan, has been released from his position as editor of ASTONISHING STORIES and SUPER SCIENCE NOVELS. Alen R. Norton will be the new editor. Some time ago Jimmy Taurasi received an anonymous letter from the Middle West stating that if he wanted to write to the Denver Chamber of Commerce he might discover reasons why the Denvention would not be held. Your reporter wrote instead, and his letter was referred to Wiggins by the Denver Chamber. Wiggins replied directly to the writer making accusations of attempted sabotage and threatening an expose unless your reporter attended the Denvention. This being financially impossible, the writer could not attend the Denvention. The anonymous letter was actually received and is now on file if anyone cares to see it. The writer wrote to the Denver Chamber not from any desire to injure the Denvention in any way... Unconfirmed reports of Denvention indicate 100 or so attended. CONTEST READ FANTASY-NEWS FOR ACCURACY! As announced in FANTASY NEWS Number 144, we inaugurate with this Annual Number a new policy of ACCURACY IN THE NEWS. If a news report is not accurate and cannot be confirmed the source, it will not be published as straight news in this newspaper. All straight news items will be clearly designated as such hence forth. All advertising, editorial, and feature material will also be clearly identified. All conjectural reports or rumors will be clearly marked "unconfirmed report". A PRIZE OF ONE DOLLAR CASH will be paid to anyone supplying written, documentary proof, or other clearly authoritative evidence of the inaccuracy of any item published as straight news, not editorial, advertising, or feature copy or copy clearly marked "unconfirmed report". Henceforth all news in FANTASY NEWS will be confirmed AT THE SOURCE or it will not be published as straight news. IN ORDER TO WIN you must show proof of the inaccuracy of any straight news items in this newspaper. Typographical errors or other errors due to mechanical defects will not count. In this issue, the following is published as straight news: Everything on Page One; all copy marked "Odd Items" or "More Odd Items"; everything on Page Ten, "The Time Stream", and all "Pro Lineups". FOR ACCURATE, AUTHENTIC, NEWS OF SCIENCE FICTION PROFESSIONAL & FAN FIELDS, READ FANTASY NEWS. BOOST SCIENCE FICTION and read FANTASY NEWS! GET A PRESS CARD! BE A FANTASY NEWS REPORTER! WANTED: PRO MAG REVIEWS. pictures crowded out of this issue
Page Twelve SECOND NEWS SECTION FANTASY NEWS PRO LINEUPS Cont: "Thrills In Science", Scientific Cross Word Puzzle and Review of Stfan Magazines will complete the. issue. THRILLING WONDER STORIES THRILLING WONDER for August has Edmond (Save the Earth) Hamilton's "The Son Of Two Worlds" illustrated on the cover by artist Rudolph Belarski. Harry Walton, popular Queens SFL member, and editorial staff member of POPULAR SCIENCE Monthly, has a short yarn, "In the Ancient Way", "Pettigrew Lives Again" is by Don Tracy; "Masters Of Chance" by William Morrisson; "Space Chore" by Manly Wade Wellman; "Appointment In Space?" by John Broome, C. P. Mason, who has written stories in the old Gernsback WONDER under the pseudonym of Epaminondas T. Snooks, D.T.G., has an article entitled "Time Table For Earth". The Time Stream by Sam Moskowitz. Fred Pohl, member of the Futurian Society of N.Y. and well-known stfan, has been released from his position as editor of ASTONISHING STORIES and SUPER SCIENCE NOVELS. Alen R. Norton will be the new editor. Some time ago Jimmy Taurasi received an anonymous letter from the Middle West stating that if he wanted to write to the Denver Chamber of Commerce he might discover reasons why the Denvention would not be held. Your reporter wrote instead, and his letter was referred to Wiggins by the Denver Chamber. Wiggins replied directly to the writer making accusations of attempted sabotage and threatening an expose unless your reporter attended the Denvention. This being financially impossible, the writer could not attend the Denvention. The anonymous letter was actually received and is now on file if anyone cares to see it. The writer wrote to the Denver Chamber not from any desire to injure the Denvention in any way... Unconfirmed reports of Denvention indicate 100 or so attended. CONTEST READ FANTASY-NEWS FOR ACCURACY! As announced in FANTASY NEWS Number 144, we inaugurate with this Annual Number a new policy of ACCURACY IN THE NEWS. If a news report is not accurate and cannot be confirmed the source, it will not be published as straight news in this newspaper. All straight news items will be clearly designated as such hence forth. All advertising, editorial, and feature material will also be clearly identified. All conjectural reports or rumors will be clearly marked "unconfirmed report". A PRIZE OF ONE DOLLAR CASH will be paid to anyone supplying written, documentary proof, or other clearly authoritative evidence of the inaccuracy of any item published as straight news, not editorial, advertising, or feature copy or copy clearly marked "unconfirmed report". Henceforth all news in FANTASY NEWS will be confirmed AT THE SOURCE or it will not be published as straight news. IN ORDER TO WIN you must show proof of the inaccuracy of any straight news items in this newspaper. Typographical errors or other errors due to mechanical defects will not count. In this issue, the following is published as straight news: Everything on Page One; all copy marked "Odd Items" or "More Odd Items"; everything on Page Ten, "The Time Stream", and all "Pro Lineups". FOR ACCURATE, AUTHENTIC, NEWS OF SCIENCE FICTION PROFESSIONAL & FAN FIELDS, READ FANTASY NEWS. BOOST SCIENCE FICTION and read FANTASY NEWS! GET A PRESS CARD! BE A FANTASY NEWS REPORTER! WANTED: PRO MAG REVIEWS. pictures crowded out of this issue
Hevelin Fanzines