Fantasite, v. 2, issue 4, November-December 1942
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the fantasy enthusiast. Your alternative is correspondence with civilian fans, and the reading of all the fanmags you can get ahold of. Harry Warner, Jr. (Bless his sweet name) is busily engaged in sending out bundles of fanmags to fans in the service, and as long as Harry's facilities (i.e., dough) hold out, let him know you're in the service, and you'll receive a pack of mags every month. And until it happens to you, you won't know what it's like to take a break, relax on your squeak pad and delve into a pile of new fan-mags. The average Army Post Exchange dotes heavily on the Army gag-mags, Westerns, love stories, detective, and picture mags, but doesn't seem to lean heavily on the fantasy side. The PX at this post stocks --- yeah, that's right -- Amazing. None other. And if you're in one of those deserts or swamps, miles from a newsstand, you're up a stump of no mean proportions. You can have some fan send you the current issue, but as a general rule, you will be able to find a newsstand with a bit of scouting. The Army does things to you. This scribe, among other things, put on considerable weight. In case you have been thinking that this weight angle is some recruiting officer's propaganda, forget it. You'll get so damned mad at your sergeants and corporals that you'll grind your teeth down to a nub, but it's all part of their devilish scheme. A man will fight anybody if he's mad enough, and so they get you mad. But you won't change your attitude toward fantasy fiction. In case you get in the scrap, remember that among other things, you'll be fighting for things that Adolf and Hirohito don't understand at all. And a small part of this free country is your trip down to the mag shop for your quota of fantasy fiction. It has its faults, fantasy fiction has, but at least you won't be barred from reading it because it hasn't been passed by the Gestapo. And if you read about a super-race, you can be sure it won't be the Aryans. Heil Ackerman! ----000---- ------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED READING -- (Continued from page 8) Abolishes all rape laws. Taxes churches and invites heads of all foreign countries to kill at once all missionaries inside their boundaries. Lines up before firing squads the insane, aged, and paupers. All civic and municipal censorship bodies dissolved, and owners of obscene movies, books, etc., invited to trot them out for display. Burlesque queens instructed to strip all the way. National Parks and the entire State of Texas given back to the Indians with the right to massacre all tourists found in their reach. Marathon dancing and narcotics encouraged. Wife-beating laws repealed. Any man or woman with a claim to reasonable proficiency in the Arts exempt from any and all laws. All speed laws repealed and motorists invited to go the limit, with a warning to pedestrians to look out for themselves. Restores chattel slavery to the South, with an auction block in every village. Abolishes monogamy and permits harems. (He takes several Hollywood queens for himself.) -- And in the book the author leaves several pages blank for the reader to write in his own laws -- For this was the Age of Reason. ----000----
the fantasy enthusiast. Your alternative is correspondence with civilian fans, and the reading of all the fanmags you can get ahold of. Harry Warner, Jr. (Bless his sweet name) is busily engaged in sending out bundles of fanmags to fans in the service, and as long as Harry's facilities (i.e., dough) hold out, let him know you're in the service, and you'll receive a pack of mags every month. And until it happens to you, you won't know what it's like to take a break, relax on your squeak pad and delve into a pile of new fan-mags. The average Army Post Exchange dotes heavily on the Army gag-mags, Westerns, love stories, detective, and picture mags, but doesn't seem to lean heavily on the fantasy side. The PX at this post stocks --- yeah, that's right -- Amazing. None other. And if you're in one of those deserts or swamps, miles from a newsstand, you're up a stump of no mean proportions. You can have some fan send you the current issue, but as a general rule, you will be able to find a newsstand with a bit of scouting. The Army does things to you. This scribe, among other things, put on considerable weight. In case you have been thinking that this weight angle is some recruiting officer's propaganda, forget it. You'll get so damned mad at your sergeants and corporals that you'll grind your teeth down to a nub, but it's all part of their devilish scheme. A man will fight anybody if he's mad enough, and so they get you mad. But you won't change your attitude toward fantasy fiction. In case you get in the scrap, remember that among other things, you'll be fighting for things that Adolf and Hirohito don't understand at all. And a small part of this free country is your trip down to the mag shop for your quota of fantasy fiction. It has its faults, fantasy fiction has, but at least you won't be barred from reading it because it hasn't been passed by the Gestapo. And if you read about a super-race, you can be sure it won't be the Aryans. Heil Ackerman! ----000---- ------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED READING -- (Continued from page 8) Abolishes all rape laws. Taxes churches and invites heads of all foreign countries to kill at once all missionaries inside their boundaries. Lines up before firing squads the insane, aged, and paupers. All civic and municipal censorship bodies dissolved, and owners of obscene movies, books, etc., invited to trot them out for display. Burlesque queens instructed to strip all the way. National Parks and the entire State of Texas given back to the Indians with the right to massacre all tourists found in their reach. Marathon dancing and narcotics encouraged. Wife-beating laws repealed. Any man or woman with a claim to reasonable proficiency in the Arts exempt from any and all laws. All speed laws repealed and motorists invited to go the limit, with a warning to pedestrians to look out for themselves. Restores chattel slavery to the South, with an auction block in every village. Abolishes monogamy and permits harems. (He takes several Hollywood queens for himself.) -- And in the book the author leaves several pages blank for the reader to write in his own laws -- For this was the Age of Reason. ----000----
Hevelin Fanzines