State University of Iowa Code for Coeds, 1962-1968
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Central Party Committee Interested in helping plan, publicize, or decorate for an all-University dance or concert? If so, you'll probably be interested in working with the Central Party Committee. This group has responsibility for all-University parties and entertainments for which admission is charged. To undertake this large task, a governing body of twelve students is chosen each spring by means of nominations from the housing units. Three freshman, four sophomores, and five juniors are chosen at this time and assume office in the fall. The governing body supervises four CPC subcommittees whose members are chosen each fall by a similar method of housing-unit nominations. However, any student may submit an application for consideration by securing signatures of twenty other SUIowans. CPC selects about fifty subcommittee members each fall, so if you're interested in helping present such functions as the Homecoming Dance, Dad's Day Concert, and other big student attractions, CPC is the group to join. Union Board You might find your place in SUI activities as a member of Union Board's committees. The diversity of events sponsored by the Board include banquets, lectures, dances, movies, teas, and panel discussions. Of its sixteen members, elected each spring from every college in the University, each takes responsibility for a particular area of the Union Board's activities. Each committee selects a subcommittee to help with arrangements. After at least one year's experience on a subcommittee, members are eligible for chairmanships. Always on the lookout for new talent, Union Board needs people like you to continue its work with the educational, cultural, religious, and social projects at SUI. Dramatics and Speech Your dramatic talent will be put to good us in the University Theatre, where you can try your hand at acting, set-designing, costuming, or lighting. Tryouts are announced regularly in The Daily Iowan[/italics] and on bulletin boards in the Dramatic Arts Building. 18
Central Party Committee Interested in helping plan, publicize, or decorate for an all-University dance or concert? If so, you'll probably be interested in working with the Central Party Committee. This group has responsibility for all-University parties and entertainments for which admission is charged. To undertake this large task, a governing body of twelve students is chosen each spring by means of nominations from the housing units. Three freshman, four sophomores, and five juniors are chosen at this time and assume office in the fall. The governing body supervises four CPC subcommittees whose members are chosen each fall by a similar method of housing-unit nominations. However, any student may submit an application for consideration by securing signatures of twenty other SUIowans. CPC selects about fifty subcommittee members each fall, so if you're interested in helping present such functions as the Homecoming Dance, Dad's Day Concert, and other big student attractions, CPC is the group to join. Union Board You might find your place in SUI activities as a member of Union Board's committees. The diversity of events sponsored by the Board include banquets, lectures, dances, movies, teas, and panel discussions. Of its sixteen members, elected each spring from every college in the University, each takes responsibility for a particular area of the Union Board's activities. Each committee selects a subcommittee to help with arrangements. After at least one year's experience on a subcommittee, members are eligible for chairmanships. Always on the lookout for new talent, Union Board needs people like you to continue its work with the educational, cultural, religious, and social projects at SUI. Dramatics and Speech Your dramatic talent will be put to good us in the University Theatre, where you can try your hand at acting, set-designing, costuming, or lighting. Tryouts are announced regularly in The Daily Iowan[/italics] and on bulletin boards in the Dramatic Arts Building. 18
Social Justice