Managers' report book, September 13, 1920-December 8, 1921
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PROVIDENCE. R. I. E.F. ALBER SEPT. 20th, 20 The bill this week is not as good as that of last week, although it is as a whole a fairly good show. We started off with a good day's business as we did the previous week and I see no reason why we should not continue with good business. CHAS. LOVENBERG. ROBBIE GORDONE: Poser. I don't believe there is much value in this act, although the house was well seated, having held off the starting of the show for a few moments for her benefit, there was scant applause and there didn't seem to be much interest. 7 min. full stage. HERBERT BROOKS: Card manipulator. A very good entertainer whose various tricks pleased and he got considerable laughter with his talk. 18 min. in one. FALLON & SHIRLEY: Young man and woman whose act was a great disappointment. I can't see much to the man, in fact, I didn't care for him with his male partner last season. The woman is claver, but they have no material. The audience cared less for him than I did. 16 min. in one. BESSIE REMPEL & COMPANY: In a unique fishing sketch which seemed to please thoroughly. 17 min. in three. LE GROHS: xxx Contortionists. The big applause hit of the show. 7 min. in one. JANE & KATHERINE LEE: This act is so well known that the only comment necessary is to say that they pleased thoroughly and indicate that they will draw business. 26 min. open full stage, 3 min. close in one. GEORGE MC.FARLAND: Mr. McFarland repeated his usual success and he is a great favorite here. 22 min. in two. GORDON & FORD: Man and woman in a great laughing act/ The man is as funny a Jew comedian as I know, the woman has a pleasant voice, dresses well and they have good material, and the whole act got over in great style. 15 min. in one. ELEANORE PEIRCE & COMPANY: Dancing act for which I care very little for and the audience seemed to care for it less. 12 min. full stage. CUTS: FALLON & SHIRLEY: Cut "You're a Million Miles From NoWhere When you'r only Holding Her Hand. Do I have to tell my business? BESSIE REMPEL: Cut the joke as to who was the father of her children.
PROVIDENCE. R. I. E.F. ALBER SEPT. 20th, 20 The bill this week is not as good as that of last week, although it is as a whole a fairly good show. We started off with a good day's business as we did the previous week and I see no reason why we should not continue with good business. CHAS. LOVENBERG. ROBBIE GORDONE: Poser. I don't believe there is much value in this act, although the house was well seated, having held off the starting of the show for a few moments for her benefit, there was scant applause and there didn't seem to be much interest. 7 min. full stage. HERBERT BROOKS: Card manipulator. A very good entertainer whose various tricks pleased and he got considerable laughter with his talk. 18 min. in one. FALLON & SHIRLEY: Young man and woman whose act was a great disappointment. I can't see much to the man, in fact, I didn't care for him with his male partner last season. The woman is claver, but they have no material. The audience cared less for him than I did. 16 min. in one. BESSIE REMPEL & COMPANY: In a unique fishing sketch which seemed to please thoroughly. 17 min. in three. LE GROHS: xxx Contortionists. The big applause hit of the show. 7 min. in one. JANE & KATHERINE LEE: This act is so well known that the only comment necessary is to say that they pleased thoroughly and indicate that they will draw business. 26 min. open full stage, 3 min. close in one. GEORGE MC.FARLAND: Mr. McFarland repeated his usual success and he is a great favorite here. 22 min. in two. GORDON & FORD: Man and woman in a great laughing act/ The man is as funny a Jew comedian as I know, the woman has a pleasant voice, dresses well and they have good material, and the whole act got over in great style. 15 min. in one. ELEANORE PEIRCE & COMPANY: Dancing act for which I care very little for and the audience seemed to care for it less. 12 min. full stage. CUTS: FALLON & SHIRLEY: Cut "You're a Million Miles From NoWhere When you'r only Holding Her Hand. Do I have to tell my business? BESSIE REMPEL: Cut the joke as to who was the father of her children.
Keith-Albee Collection