Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 42
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42 TEMPLE THEATRE, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Week of apr. 18th, 1904. TWIN NICES: A young man and young woman, brother and sister, in a very neat singing and dancing act. Although they open the show they were received with high favor, and are good enough for any place on the bill. 14 min one. ARTHUR SORANI & ANNA NEVARO: Man and girl in a comedy acrobatic act. This is a very good act and was well received. 15 mins. F. S. WORLDS TRIO: PERRY RYAN, Lulu Ryan and Emma Wood, in a singing and dancing act. It is the same act that this trio has been presenting for the past several season, but nevertheless, it proved very entertaining to our audiences. 11 in one. 9 mins. F. S. A. P. Rostow: A Russian equilibrist, who is fully up to the highest standard ever set in this theatre. He works with ease and grace, and added materially to the strength of the bill. 8 mins. F. S. EMPIRE CITY QUARTETTE: Comedians and vocalists, this is one of the best quartettes both for comedy and singing, that we play. 20 mins. F. S. Can close in one. John. T. SULLIVAN & CO.: Sullivan is assisted by Miss Margeret Atherton, and Miss Sarah Harlan. This sketch has been cut down and considerably improved since its last presentation here and is now one of the best sketches in vaudeville. 18 mins. F. S. VESTA TILLEY: Miss Tilley received an ovation at the Monday matinee, and almost brought the audience to its feet at the evening performance. She is one of the best if not the best, headline acts that we ever played and she will pack the theatre at every performance. 25 mins. F. S. SISTERS RAPPO: Two Russian Girls, in Russian dances that were very well received. This act is one of the best of the foreign dancing acts that we have ever played. 7 mins. F. S.
42 TEMPLE THEATRE, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Week of apr. 18th, 1904. TWIN NICES: A young man and young woman, brother and sister, in a very neat singing and dancing act. Although they open the show they were received with high favor, and are good enough for any place on the bill. 14 min one. ARTHUR SORANI & ANNA NEVARO: Man and girl in a comedy acrobatic act. This is a very good act and was well received. 15 mins. F. S. WORLDS TRIO: PERRY RYAN, Lulu Ryan and Emma Wood, in a singing and dancing act. It is the same act that this trio has been presenting for the past several season, but nevertheless, it proved very entertaining to our audiences. 11 in one. 9 mins. F. S. A. P. Rostow: A Russian equilibrist, who is fully up to the highest standard ever set in this theatre. He works with ease and grace, and added materially to the strength of the bill. 8 mins. F. S. EMPIRE CITY QUARTETTE: Comedians and vocalists, this is one of the best quartettes both for comedy and singing, that we play. 20 mins. F. S. Can close in one. John. T. SULLIVAN & CO.: Sullivan is assisted by Miss Margeret Atherton, and Miss Sarah Harlan. This sketch has been cut down and considerably improved since its last presentation here and is now one of the best sketches in vaudeville. 18 mins. F. S. VESTA TILLEY: Miss Tilley received an ovation at the Monday matinee, and almost brought the audience to its feet at the evening performance. She is one of the best if not the best, headline acts that we ever played and she will pack the theatre at every performance. 25 mins. F. S. SISTERS RAPPO: Two Russian Girls, in Russian dances that were very well received. This act is one of the best of the foreign dancing acts that we have ever played. 7 mins. F. S.
Keith-Albee Collection